求A Red ,Red Rose( 一朵红红的玫瑰)赏析,中英文皆可


"A Red, Red Rose" is written in four four-line stanzas, or quatrains, consisting of alternating tetrameter and trimeter lines. This means that the first and third lines of each stanza have four stressed syllables, or beats, while the second and fourth lines have three stressed syllables. Quatrains written in this manner are called ballad stanzas. The ballad is a old form of verse adapted for singing or recitation, originating in the days when most poetry existed in spoken rather than written form. The typical subject matter of most ballads reflects folk themes important to common people: love, courage, the mysterious, and the supernatural. Though the ballad is generally rich in musical qualities such as rhythm and.....
第1个回答  2013-09-21
:《A Red, Red Rose》。苏格兰伟大的诗人罗伯特·伯恩斯,同时也是一位词作者,花了近十年的时间挽救苏格兰传统民歌。他为后人留下了300多首歌曲,其中包括这首《A Red, Red Rose》,也叫做《My Love is Like A Red, Red Rose》。