
北京市***公司 (2002/07--2003/08)
所属行业:教育/培训 公司性质;股份制企业


所属行业:金融 公司性质:外资企业
工作描述:任职期前主要负责上海大区的市场拓展与开发及团队建设。有丰富的团队组建与扩充经验和项目管理与协调经验。 制订营销工作方针、政策,提供公司内部营销管理改进方案;并贯彻实施;组织市场调研,收集有关市场信息,分析内、外环境,确定目标市场,收集分析竞争对象信息,制订公司竞争策略并组织实施;维持、开拓销售渠道。任职期间,带领团队创公司业绩第一。


Beijing *** (2002/07--2003/08)
Industry: education / training company in nature; joint-stock enterprises
Market Development: Sales Director
Job description: the customer is responsible for the company to transfer the relevant departments; responsible for communication with clients in both the problems in co-operation to find the best solution; lead the team, have good interpersonal skills, communication skills, strong verbal skills ; Abundant energy; strong sense of responsibility and the spirit of innovation.

Beijing *** (2005/11--2006/09)
Industry: institutions
Title: Human Resources Management Department staff
Job Description: responsible for day-to-day administrative work, skilled use of office automation equipment, drafting and reviewing various documents; scheduled for print files; responsible for human resources services to assist in higher-level recruitment, counselling and team management and performance assessment; responsible for the staff for three Insurance, the staff responsible for the establishment and day-to-day file management, and change the labor contract signed with other units and departments to coordinate. To assist the management of the leadership, by the leadership of the praise and recognition.

Shanghai *** (2006/10-- date)
Industry: the nature of financial companies: foreign-funded enterprises
Title: Regional Manager
Job Description: representation of the former is mainly responsible for the Shanghai area and market expansion and development of team-building. The team has extensive experience in formation and expansion and project management and coordination experience. Develop marketing strategies, policies, to provide internal marketing management improvement programme and to implement the organizational market research, collect market information and analysis of internal and external environment, target market, competing information collection and analysis, formulation of strategy and organization to compete Implementation; maintain, develop marketing channels. In this role, a company's performance lead the team first.

◆ self-evaluation
I cheerful character, stable and dynamic, others warm and sincere. Work of a serious and responsible, proactive, can Chikunailao. A strong organizational capacity, coordination and implementation capacity, and groups spirit of collaboration, can rapidly adapt to a variety of environmental and integration of these
第1个回答  2008-07-04
Beijing *** (2002/07--2003/08)
Industry: education / training company in nature; joint-stock enterprises
Market Development: Sales Director
Job description: the customer is responsible for the company to transfer the relevant departments; responsible for communication with clients in both the problems in co-operation to find the best solution; lead the team, have good interpersonal skills, communication skills, strong verbal skills ; Abundant energy; strong sense of responsibility and the spirit of innovation.

Beijing *** (2005/11--2006/09)
Industry: institutions
Title: Human Resources Management Department staff
Job Description: responsible for day-to-day administrative work, skilled use of office automation equipment, drafting and reviewing various documents; scheduled for print files; responsible for human resources services to assist in higher-level recruitment, counselling and team management and performance assessment; responsible for the staff for three Insurance, the staff responsible for the establishment and day-to-day file management, and change the labor contract signed with other units and departments to coordinate. To assist the management of the leadership, by the leadership of the praise and recognition.

Shanghai *** (2006/10-- date)
Industry: the nature of financial companies: foreign-funded enterprises
Title: Regional Manager
Job Description: representation of the former is mainly responsible for the Shanghai district of market expansion and development and team-building. The team has extensive experience in formation and expansion and project management and coordination experience. Develop marketing strategies, policies, to provide internal marketing management improvement programme and to implement the organizational market research, collect market information and analysis of internal and external environment, target market, competing information collection and analysis, formulation of strategy and organization to compete Implementation; maintain, develop marketing channels. In this role, a company's performance led the team first.

◆ self-evaluation
I cheerful character, stable and dynamic, others warm and sincere. Work of a serious and responsible, proactive, can Chikunailao. A strong organizational capacity, coordination and implementation capacity, and groups spirit of collaboration, can rapidly adapt to a variety of environmental and integration of them.