wear 和put on 不同点


第1个回答  2016-06-05
第2个回答  2013-09-19
wear 表状态 穿着... put on 指动作,穿....
第3个回答  2013-09-19
wear 指状态,穿着put on 指动作,穿上
第4个回答  2013-09-19
Wear put on Put on your hat.戴上你的帽子。讲解:(1)put on 穿上,戴上,强调动作。wear 穿着,戴着,强调状态in加颜色,穿着…颜色的衣服 dress 加人,给谁穿衣服get dressed 穿上衣服翻译:那个穿着一件粉红色外套的女孩是Meg. 外面很冷,穿上你的外套。(coat) Jim戴着一副眼镜。( a pair of glasses) John8岁了,他能给自己穿衣服。(himself) 他起了床,然后穿上衣服出去了。(then) (2) hat四周有边,cat 只有前面有边 put on 穿戴 强调动作。wear穿戴 强调状态。dress 给……穿戴…… 后接人,不能加衣服 。put down 把。。。放下来;写下来put away 收拾好 You are wearing a new coat today.今天你穿着一件新外套。讲解: wear 穿戴;强调状态put on穿戴;强调动作dress 给…穿衣服,后加人in + 颜色,穿着…颜色的衣服翻译:外面很冷,穿上你的外套。 不要穿那双鞋子,因为它们很脏了 Many穿了一件红色的毛衣。 Sweater毛衣 Mary8岁了,可以自己穿衣服了。 一个穿着桔红色衣服的漂亮女孩 那个戴着白色帽子的男孩是谁? 作及物动词,意为“穿;戴”,可用于指穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽子、戴手套、佩戴首饰等。如:He was wearing a blue coat.他正穿着一件蓝色大衣。He was the old man who wore thick glasses.他就是那个戴厚镜片的老人。[拓展]“穿、戴”的其他表示方法:(1)have on 表示“穿着;戴着”,后接衣服、帽子、鞋子等,无进行时态。(2)be in表示“穿着;戴着”,后面跟表示衣服颜色的名词或具体衣服的名词。(3)put on 表示“穿上;戴上”,用于穿衣服、穿鞋、戴帽子等,表示动作。 Wear dress put on的区别(1) wear 穿,戴,强调状态put on 穿,戴,强调动作dress 给……穿衣服,替……穿衣服,后接人 选择: Tom is nine years old, h can _____himself. It’s cold outside,please _____your coat. Jim is _________in blue.get dressed 穿衣服 wear 穿,戴 (强调状态) put on 穿,戴 (强调动作) dress 给……穿衣服 (后加人,不能加衣服) in + 颜色 穿着……颜色的衣服,戴着……颜色的帽子翻译: 外面很冷,穿上你的外套。 outside 外面coat外套 __________________________________________ Tom 正在给他自己穿衣服。Himself他自己 _________________________________________那个穿着红色衣服的女孩子是我的妹妹。wear穿戴,强调状态put on 穿戴。强调动作dress给……穿衣服,后加人。in 加颜色,穿着什么颜色的衣服。 翻译:那个穿着红色毛衣的漂亮女孩是Mary。 外面很冷,穿上你的外套。 他现在8岁了,他可以给自己穿衣服了。 穿上你的鞋子。 ①wear强调穿戴的状态,后面与衣帽、鞋袜、眼镜、颜色等搭配。如:He wears/is wearing a red T-shirt today.今天他穿了一件红T恤。She likes wearing purple clothes.她喜欢穿紫色衣服。②dress表示“穿戴”,但后面常与人搭配。含dress的短语有:be dressed(in…), get dressed和dress in。如:Her son is too young to dress himself.她儿子太小,不会自己穿衣服。How long does it take you to dress your daughter every morning?你每天早晨花多长时间给你女儿穿衣服?Mrs Smith is always dressed in colourful clothes.史密斯夫人总是穿色彩斑斓的衣服。③put on强调穿戴的动作,后面与衣帽、鞋袜、眼镜等搭配。如:You’d better put on more clothes. It’s cold outside.你最好多穿点衣服。外面很冷。My grandmother put on her glasses and began to read a newspaper.我的祖母戴上她的眼镜,开始看一份报纸。④be in 强调状态,表示“穿戴”之意。如:He is in black.他穿着一身黑色衣服。⑤have on表状态,为“穿戴”之意,无进行时。如:She has on a red dress and white shoes today.她今天穿着红衣服和白鞋。(注意):表示“戴花,留胡子,留长发”用wear。如:Why not wear a flower? 为什么不戴朵花? what to wear作know的宾语,结构为“疑问句+动词不定式”,不定式所表示的动作通常是尚未发生的动作。如:Can you tell me when to start tomorrow?你能告诉我明天什么时候出发吗?Lin Tao asked Jim where to go.林涛问吉姆去哪里了。①wear强调穿戴的状态,后面与衣帽、鞋袜、眼镜、颜色等搭配。如:He wears/is wearing a red T-shirt today.今天他穿了一件红T恤。She likes wearing purple clothes.她喜欢穿紫色衣服。②dress表示“穿戴”,但后面常与人搭配。含dress的短语有:be dressed(in…), get dressed和dress in。如:Her son is too young to dress himself.她儿子太小,不会自己穿衣服。How long does it take you to dress your daughter every morning?你每天早晨花多长时间给你女儿穿衣服?Mrs Smith is always dressed in colourful clothes.史密斯夫人总是穿色彩斑斓的衣服。③put on强调穿戴的动作,后面与衣帽、鞋袜、眼镜等搭配。如:You’d better put on more clothes. It’s cold outside.你最好多穿点衣服。外面很冷。My grandmother put on her glasses and began to read a newspaper.我的祖母戴上她的眼镜,开始看一份报纸。④be in 强调状态,表示“穿戴”之意。如:He is in black.他穿着一身黑色衣服。⑤have on表状态,为“穿戴”之意,无进行时。如:She has on a red dress and white shoes today.她今天穿着红衣服和白鞋。(注意):表示“戴花,留胡子,留长发”用wear。如:Why not wear a flower? 为什么不戴朵花?She likes wearing long hair.她喜欢留长发。 1)wear “穿着”,表状态= be inShe wears a purple sweater today.= She’s wearing a purple sweater today.= She’s in a purple sweater today. wear “留,蓄” wear a beard 留胡子 wear long hair 蓄长发 wear sunglasses 戴太阳眼镜2)put on “穿上”,表动作Tom is putting on his shirt.3)dress “穿”,可表动作或状态 dress sb. = get sb. dressed给某人穿衣服 He is too young to dress himself.= He is too young to get himself dressed. I wear a white uniform. 我穿一套白色的制服。wear, put on, dress, be in1)wear “穿着”,表状态= be inShe wears a purple sweater today.= She’s wearing a purple sweater today.= She’s in a purple sweater today. wear “留,蓄” wear a beard 留胡子 wear long hair 蓄长发 wear sunglasses 戴太阳眼镜2)put on “穿上”,表动作Tom is putting on his shirt.3)dress “穿”,可表动作或状态 dress sb. = get sb. dressed给某人穿衣服 He is too young to dress himself.= He is too young to get himself dressed. wear 在句中作及物动词,意为“穿、戴”,后面直接接衣服、鞋、帽、袜子、眼镜等。例如:①He is wearing a red T shirt today.他今天穿着一件红色的T恤衫。②Mr Smith wears a pair of glasses。史密斯先生戴着一副眼镜。 辨析:wear、dress和put on wear表示“穿、戴”,强调穿、戴的状态,后面可接服饰类的名词,有进行时形式。例如: Why not wear several flowers?为什么不戴几朵花呢? dress意为“穿”,作及物动词时,只能用人作宾语,而且只能表示穿衣服,不能用于穿鞋、袜,戴手套等,其后接人或反身代词,不能接衣服。例如: He could dress himself when he was three.他3岁时能给自己穿衣服。put on意为“穿(衣)、戴(帽)”,强调穿的动作,其反义词为take off。例如:He put on his coat and went out.他穿上外衣就出去了。 How many people are wearing?有多少人穿着红色衣服?讲解:wear穿戴,强调状态put on 穿戴。强调动作dress给……穿衣服,后加人。in 加颜色,穿着什么颜色的衣服。 翻译:那个穿着红色毛衣的漂亮女孩是Mary。 外面很冷,穿上你的外套。 他现在8岁了,他可以给自己穿衣服了。 穿上你的鞋子。Wear作名词时[U] 1 wearing or being worn as clothing 穿著; 戴著; 佩带著: a suit for everyday wear 一套日常穿的衣服 * Cotton is suitable for wear in summer. 棉制品适於夏季穿用. 2 (esp in compounds 尤用以构成复合词) things for wearing; clothing 穿戴的衣物:`children's/`ladies' wear 儿童的[女用的]衣物 * `menswear男装 * `underwear 内衣 * `footwear 鞋袜 * `sportswear 运动服装. 3 (damage or loss of quality caused by) use 使用; 用损; 用坏: These shoes are showing (signs of) wear. 这双鞋(看样子)穿坏了. * The carpet gets very heavy wear. 这块地毯已严重磨损. 4 capacity for continuing to be used 耐用性: There is still a lot of wear left in that old coat. 那件旧大衣还可以穿很久. 5 (idm 习语) ,wear and `tear damage, deterioration, strain, etc caused by ordinary use (正常使用造成的)损坏, 损耗, 用坏: The insurance policy does not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear. 保险单内容不包括正常使用所导致的损坏. the worse for wear => worse.①穿,戴②用旧,磨损[词组]wear off逐渐消失;wear out①用坏,用旧②精疲力竭[经典题库]The effect of the drug will after two hours or so.A. fall through B. wind up C. end up D. wear of[详解]D fall through表示“失败,落空”;end up表示“结束”;wind up表示“结束,停止”。[辨析]wear表示穿戴着的状态;put on表示穿(戴)上的动作;dress指穿衣动作,有时指打扮自己;clothe既指穿衣动作,又指穿衣状态,还可指为别人提供穿衣的条件,后接宾语及副词或短语。 I can guess you are in a hurry.You——your sweater inside out. A.had worn B.wear C.were wearing D.are wearing
第5个回答  2013-09-19
wear指的是一种状态,举个例子I want to wear a blue coat。我想穿一件蓝色的褂子put on 指的是一种动作例子 The weather is very cold today,put on your coat.今天天气非常冷,穿上你的大衣