be harmful to sb和do harm to sb有什么区别吗?


"be harmful to sb"表示某物或某种行为对某人的健康或幸福造成危害。而"do harm to sb"表示某人故意或无意地对其他人造成伤害或危害。它们在释义、用法、使用环境、影响范围和形象上存在一些区别,具体内容如下所示。

1. 释义区别:

   "be harmful to sb" 意为“对某人有害”,强调一种状态或性质,指某物或某种行为对个人的可能或潜在危害。

   "do harm to sb" 意为“对某人造成伤害”,强调具体的行为或动作,指故意或无意中对个人进行伤害或不良影响。


Smoking is harmful to your health.


She did harm to her reputation by spreading rumors.


2. 用法区别:

   "be harmful to sb" 是一个固定的结构,后面通常接名词或名词短语。

   "do harm to sb" 是一个动词短语,后面可以接名词、代词或动词的-ing形式。


The pollution from the factory is harmful to the environment.


Be careful not to do any harm to yourself while using the sharp knife.


3. 使用环境区别:

   "be harmful to sb" 可以用于描述各种情况下的危害,包括健康、环境、人际关系等。

   "do harm to sb" 更常用于描述具体的行为对他人的伤害。


The chemicals in the cleaning products can be harmful to your skin.


He did a lot of harm to his family by stealing from them.


4. 影响范围区别:

   "be harmful to sb" 表示一种更普遍、广泛的可能性或影响,强调潜在的危害范围。

   "do harm to sb" 表示一种具体的、直接的行动,强调特定的受害者或受害对象。


Excessive exposure to the sun can be harmful to people of all ages.


He did great harm to his business partner by betraying their trust.


5. 形象区别:

   "be harmful to sb" 较为客观和中性,强调危害的结果。

   "do harm to sb" 更强调行为的主体,可能带有更多主观色彩。


Eating too much sugar can be harmful to your teeth.


He intentionally did harm to her chances of getting the job.

