
1. These reductions might be explained by the higher uptake efficiency of the cabbage plants with respect to grass: although recovery of applied N by turf grass reaches a maximum of 74%, it does not have much anion exchange capacity within the root zone and therefore, NO3 moves easily with the percolating water, in some cases very rapidly. In contrast, Chinese cabbage is a cover crop, plants able to recycle N and reduce leaching losses and groundwater contamination.
2.Thus, additional NO3 ) balances were calculated for the 10-year period to gain an insight of what would happen in case the pastures were totally shifted to wheat or Chinese cabbage.
3.Moreover, urea constitutes about 54% of the N loads for cabbage, so a third scenario considering its suppression was explored. The NO3) inputs for the new scenarios were generated after extrapolating the groundwater concentrations already measured for a certain crop, into those fields that shifted to the same type of plant. It was assumed that the time and rates of fertilizer application for a given crop will not change over time。

1.这种降低可能可以由白菜等植物相对草来讲更高的效率来解释: 尽管草皮用于恢复的氮多达总量的74%, 但它在根部区域并没有什么阴离子交换能力,在此, NO3离子(我太有才了化学学的太好了~)可以很容易的在溶液中移动,在某些情况下甚至可以非常迅速. 相比之下, 中国大白菜是种覆盖作物, 这种植物可以重复利用氮元素,同时减少“沥滤损失”和地表水(地下数)的污染
2.因此, 如果一片土地全种小麦或中国大白菜的情况下,额外的以10年为周期的 NO3离子平衡 便可以得出。
3.此外, 尿素供给了大白菜54%氮的需要(尿素化学式好像是co(nh2)2,maybe,多少年没学了), 所以三分之一的情况下,它的情况会被发现 。 说一在NO3离子被吸收 ,地下水集中起来,一种新情况便被引起了。这种变化进入到这片改变了种植作物的土地上。这种假设基于对作物施肥不随时间改变的情况下

第1个回答  2008-06-05
1. 这些减少也许用圆白菜植物的更高的举起效率解释关于草: 虽然应用的N补救由草皮草的到达最多74%,它没有在根区域之内的阴离子交换容量并且, NO3用过滤的水在某些情况下非常迅速地容易地移动。 相反,大白菜是遮盖作物,能的植物回收N和减少浸出损失和地水污秽。
2.Thus,另外的NO3)平衡被计算在10年的期间了解发生什么的,万一牧场地完全被转移了到麦子或大白菜。 就它的镇压被探索了而论, 3.Moreover,尿素构成大约54%圆白菜的N装载,因此第三个情景。 新的情景的NO3)输入在外推为某一庄稼已经测量的地水含量以后引起了,入转移到同一种植物的那些领域。 假设,施肥的时间和率一片被测量的庄稼的不会随着时间的推移变动!