

猛龙跟76人比赛中听到过一首《stand my ground》很不错。
《stand my ground》是Within Temptation演唱。
i can see我能看到
when you stay low nothing happens 当我俯视,一切相安无事
does it feel right 而却被危机感包围

Late at night 夜已深
things I thought I put behind me 我面前的一切
haunt my mind 印于我心

I just know there's no escape 我只知道,一切都来不及了
now once it sets its eyes on you 当它的目光灼视着你
but I won't run, have to stare it in the eye 我不能溃退,只得面对

Stand my ground, I wont give in 坚守我的领地,绝不屈服
no more denying, I got to face it 不再逃避,我必须面对
won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside 绝不漠视真相的存在
if I dont make it, someone else will 如果我做不到,会有谁践踏我的领地
stand my ground

It's all around 重重包围
getting stronger, coming closer 封闭我的世界
into my world

I can feel 我能感觉到
that it's time for me to face it 面对它的时刻已经到来
can i take it? 我能否掌控?

Though this might just be the ending也许这只是生命的终结
of the life I held so dear我决心已定
but I won't run, there's no turning back from here 退路已断 我不能奔逃

Stand my ground (repeat chorus) 坚守我的领地

All I know for sure is I'm trying 我只能确定 我正竭尽全力
I will always stand my ground 我将永远坚守

Stand my ground, I wont give in 坚守我的领地
I wont give up绝不屈服,绝不放弃
no more denying, I got to face it不再逃避,必须面对
won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside 绝不漠视真相的存在
if I dont make it, someone else will 如果我做不到,会有谁
stand my ground 践踏我的领地

Stand my ground, I wont give in 坚守领地,绝不屈服
no more denying, I got to face it 不再逃避,必须面对
won't close my eyes and hide the truth inside 绝不漠视真相存在
if I dont make it, someone else will 如果我做不到
stand my ground会有谁 践踏我的领地
第1个回答  2020-10-13
感康只是一味感冒药而已, 没有太多忌讳。 服药期间别喝酒, 别吃刺激性太大的食物就可以。