补全对话 Look , Lucy ! There will () a fashion show tomorrow . Would you ()

A. Look , Lucy ! There will () a fashion show tomorrow . Would you () to come with me ?
B.Yes. I’d love(). Look how beautiful the clothes()!
A. I agree () you . Look at this () of jeans . They’re the most () clothing all over the world
B. Yes. I like jeans very much , too . Look , a man is () a skirt .
A. That is not a skirt . It’s a kilt (苏格兰式短裙)。 It’s the Scottish ( ) clothing . It’s only for males
B. That () interesting . Hope tomorrow comes soon

1.这种款式的衣服已经过时了(style , out of fashion)
2.曾经,日本人在非正式和正式场合都穿和服。(wear , casual , formal)
3.日本的和服是由丝绸做成的。(kimono , make , silk)




A. Look , Lucy ! There will ( be ) a fashion show tomorrow . Would you ( like ) to come with me ?
B.Yes. I’d love( to ). Look how beautiful the clothes( are )!
A. I agree ( with ) you . Look at this ( pair ) of jeans . They’re the most ( popular ) clothing all over the world
B. Yes. I like jeans very much , too . Look , a man is ( wearing ) a skirt .
A. That is not a skirt . It’s a kilt (苏格兰式短裙)。 It’s the Scottish ( fashion ) clothing . It’s only for males
B. That ( sounds ) interesting . Hope tomorrow comes soon.

1.这种款式的衣服已经过时了(style , out of fashion)

This style of clothing has been out of fashion.

2.曾经,日本人在非正式和正式场合都穿和服。(wear , casual , formal)

Japanese used to wear kimono in casual occasion or informal occasion.

3.日本的和服是由丝绸做成的。(kimono , make , silk)

Japanese kimono is made of silk.

第1个回答  2013-06-03