

1.峨嵋山位于中国西南部的四川省,距成都156公里,走高速公路需1.5小时。Mountain Emei is situated in Southwest Part of Sichuan Province of China with a 156KM distance away from Chendu and 1.5 hours's drive by expressway

2.主峰金顶绝壁凌空高插云霄,巍然屹立。The main peak with goldtop cliff is high up in the sky and standing magestically

3.登临其间,可西眺皑皑雪峰,东瞅莽莽平川,气势雄而景观奇,有云海、日出、佛光、圣灯四大奇观。To climb among them can overlook pure white snowy peak from the west and catch sight of the luxuriant pingchuan from the east with magnificent in its imposing manner and marvellous in its landscape. with sea of clouds ,sunrise ,The light of Buddha and sacred light to be appreciated

4.中部群山峰峦叠峰,含烟凝翠,飞瀑流泉,鸟语花香,草木茂而风光秀,是我国著名的游览胜地,1996年被联合国教科文组织列入“世界自然与文化遗产”。The mountains in the middle are the overlapped ridges and peaks with smoky and impacted emerald green and waterfall and flowing spring and bird's twitter and fragrance of flowers and luxuriant grass and landscape view ,which is the famous tourism resort of our country and included in "World Natural and Cultural Heritage " by UNESCO in 1996

第1个回答  2013-05-22
1.Mount Emei is located in Southwest China's Sichuan Province, 156 km away from Chengdu, take the highway 1.5 hours.
2.The main peak of Jinding cliff volley inserted roller, stand as firm as a rock.
3.The board in West gaze afar, can see snow-capped mountains, east the vast plain, magnificent male and odd landscape, the sea of clouds, sunrise, Buddha, the four shengdeng wonders.
4.Group of the middle mountains Luan overlapping peaks, including smoke condensate Tsui, waterfalls, birds' twitter and fragrance of flowers, grass luxuriant and scenery show, is China's famous tourist resort, in 1996 was included in the "world natural and cultural heritage by unesco".
第2个回答  2013-05-22
Mount emei is located in southwest China's sichuan province, 156 kilometers away
from chengdu, take the highway to 1.5 hours.
Jinding precipice volley high into the sky, stand tall.
Pristine cower, but west jams of xuefeng, the east Chou vast would, momentum
male and landscape, there are a sea of clouds, sunrise, fat kwong, wonders of
the four.
Central mountains fold peak overlapping peaks, including smoke condensate tsui,
cascading waterfalls flowing spring, flowers, grass alum, xiu, is a famous
tourist attraction in China, in 1996 by UNESCO "world natural and cultural