

Batik is an ancient textile dyeing, batik process in ethnic minority areas in Guizhou, inherit and carry forward the traditional batik, and the prevalence is very broad, ethnic minority women's lives has become an indispensable form of art. Guizhou is a multi-ethnic province, in which Miao, Dong, Buyi, Shui, Yao, Yi, Tujia, Gelo and so on up to 18 kinds of traditional homelands of ethnic minorities as much. Multi-ethnic family in Guizhou, the folk culture of various ethnic groups each other, they form a magnificent art gallery of national culture. 蜡染是一种古老的纺染工艺,蜡染工艺在贵州少数民族地区,继承和发扬了传统的蜡染,而且流行很广,已成为少数民族妇女生活中不可缺少的一种艺术 。贵州是一个多民族的省份,其中苗、侗、布依、水、瑶、彝、土家、仡佬等世居的少数民族达18种之多。在贵州多民族的大家庭中,各种民族的民俗文化交相辉映,构成一个绚丽的民族文化艺术长廊。
第1个回答  推荐于2018-04-20
Batik is an ancient textile dyeing, batik process in ethnic minority areas in Guizhou, inherit and carry forward the traditional batik, and the prevalence is very broad, ethnic minority women's lives has become an indispensable form of art. Guizhou is a multi-ethnic province, in which Miao, Dong, Buyi, Shui, Yao, Yi, Tujia, Gelo and so on up to 18 kinds of traditional homelands of ethnic minorities as much. Multi-ethnic family in Guizhou, the folk culture of various ethnic groups each other, they form a magnificent art gallery of national culture. 蜡染是一种古老的纺染工艺,蜡染工艺在贵州少数民族地区,继承和发扬了传统的蜡染,而且流行很广,已成为少数民族妇女生活中不可缺少的一种艺术 。贵州是一个多民族的省份,其中苗、侗、布依、水、瑶、彝、土家、仡佬等世居的少数民族达18种之多。在贵州多民族的大家庭中,各种民族的民俗文化交相辉映,构成一个绚丽的民族文化艺术长廊。本回答被网友采纳