
酱牛肉 干炸小桃花 沾酱小黄瓜
卤水拼盘 酱鸭脖 凉拌黄瓜
白切鸡 白云凤爪 凉拌菠菜
拌海蜇 青椒皮蛋 凉拌粉丝
凉拌木耳 水煮花生米 油炸花生米
琥珀桃仁 卤水豆腐
清蒸蟹 清蒸石斑鱼 红烧海参
油爆龙虾 清蒸狮头斑 松鼠鱼
清蒸生蚝 一虾两吃 土豆夹肉饼
炸烹虾 白灼虾 卤鸡块
红烧乳鸽 玉米虾仁 金丝虾球
青豆炒虾仁 香辣蟹块 葱姜蟹
蟹肉鱼翅根 梅菜扣肉 水煮牛肉
辣子鸡块 红烧鸡翅 铁板牛肉
土豆烧牛肉 红烧鸡腿 青椒仔鸡
菠萝咕老肉 豆豉炒带鱼 烤鸭
干炸带鱼 炝锅鸭 宫爆鸡丁
红烧鱼 孜然羊肉 葱爆羊肉
铁板牛柳 大盘鸡 西芹百合
松仁玉米 油炸玉米 蒜茸粉丝蒸白菜
炒白菜 苦瓜炒蛋 清炒苦瓜
家常豆腐 麻辣豆腐 肉蓉茄子
红烧茄子 鱼香肉丝 清炒西兰花
韭菜炒豆干 麻辣豆腐 香菇青菜
土豆烧牛肉 炸烹虾 红烧鸡块 香炒牛柳 香炸鸡腿 香炸鸡翅
鸳鸯馒头 土豆夹肉饼 扬州炒饭
烧鸭饭 印尼炒饭 烧饼
鸽子汤 鱼翅羹 清炖老鸡汤
紫菜蛋花汤 蛋花玉米羹


Nice cold dishes

Sauce beef Dried Fried small peach blossom Dip small cucumber
Brine platter Sauce duck neck Cucumber in Sauce
White cut chicken Chicken leg Spinach salad

mixed Jellyfish Green pepper preserved egg Salad fans
Cold agaric Boiled peanuts, Fried peanuts
Amber peach kernel Brine tofu

Classic hot food

Steamed crabs Steamed fish Braised sea cucumber
Oil lobster Steamed lobster head Squirrel fish
Steamed oysters a two shrimp eat Potatoes burger
Fried cooked shrimp Boiled prawns pot Stewed chicken pieces
Pigeon braise in soy sauce pork Corn shrimp Braised Shrimp Balls
The Fried shrimps with green beans Spicy crab pieces onion ginger crab

Shark's fin with crab meat root vegetables pork with boiled beef
Otus piece of braise in soy sauce chicken wings the sizzling beef
Stewed beef and potato stewed chicken leg peppers chicks
Pineapple goo old lobster sauce stir hairtail duck meat
Dry fry hairtail spicy pot duck, chicken with peanuts
Braise in soy sauce fish cumin mutton Mongolian lamb
The sizzling beef DaPanJi celery, lily
Fried pine nuts maize corn garlic fans steamed cabbage
Cabbage bitter melon stir-fried balsam pear fry eggs
Home-style tofu, spicy hot bean curd meat paste eggplant
Braise in soy sauce braised pork, stir-fried eggplant broccoli
Leeks Fried bean curd spicy hot tofu, mushrooms, green vegetables
Stir-fried lettuce
Stewed beef and potatoes Fried cooked shrimp stewed chicken stir-fry beef fillet sweet sweet Fried chicken wings Fried chicken leg
Yuanyang steamed potatoes burger
第1个回答  2013-04-05
Exquisite dish
Beef in Brown Sauce Fried small peach sauce cucumber
Assorted marinated meat sauce duck cucumber in sauce
Sliced boiled chicken chicken leg spinach salad
Ban Haizhe peppers preserved egg salad.
Black fungus boiled peanuts, fried peanuts
Amber Walnut marinated tofu
Steamed crab steamed sea bass braised sea cucumber in soy sauce
Fried lobster steamed lion head spot Squirrel Fish
Steamed oysters a shrimp two potatoes Burger
Deep-fried shrimp boiled prawns stewed chicken block
Braised pigeon corn shrimp braised shrimp balls
Green beans Chao Xiaren sauteed crab in hot and spicy sauce block Cong Jiangxie
Crab shark 's fin root Mei food braised pork sliced beef in hot chili oil
Spicy chicken braised chicken wings sizzling beef steak
Beef stewed chicken with green pepper chicken and potatoes
Sweet and sour pork sauce fried hairtail roasted duck
Dry fried Octopus cook in soy pot duck spicy chicken cubes with peanuts
Fried lamb with cumin braised fish in soy sauce sauteed sliced lamb with Scallion
Sizzling beef sauteed lily bulbs and celery chicken stew
Sauteed sweet corn with pine nuts garlic fans steamed cabbage fried corn
Fried cabbage fried bitter gourd bitter gourd scrambled eggs
Spicy hot bean curd with minced pork and eggplant sauteed tofu, home style
Braised eggplant Yu-Shiang shredded pork fried broccoli
Spicy hot bean curd dried tofu fried mushrooms cabbage leek
Qing sauteed lettuce
Goulash deep-fried prawns braised chicken fried beef fried chicken fried chicken wings
Mandarin ducks, steamed buns potatoes burger Yangzhou fried rice
Roast duck dinner Indonesian fried rice clay oven rolls
Dove shark 's fin soup stewed old chicken soup
Seaweed and egg soup egg and corn soup
第2个回答  2013-04-04

Fine Cold Dishes

    Beef in soy sauce

    Fried small peaches

    Cucumber dip

    Marinated meat combination

    Duck neck in sauce

    Cucumber salad

    White cut chicken

    Chicken feet

    Spinach salad     

    Mixed jellyfish salad

    Green pepper with century egg

    Vermicelli salad     

    Black fungus salad Boiled peanuts

    Deep fried peanuts

    Amber walnut

    Tofu in special soy sauce     


Classic Hot Dishes

    Steamed crabs

    Steamed Grouper fish

    Braised sea cucumber

    Deep fried lobster

    Steamed stone fish

    Yellow-fin Tuna

    Steamed oysters

    Prawns cooked in 2 ways

    Potato and meat burger

    Fried prawns

    Scalded Prawns 

    Chicken in special soy sauce   

    Braised pigeon

    Prawns cooked with corn

    Braised Golden Shrimp Balls

    Fried shrimp with green beans

    Spicy crab

    Crabs fried with ginger and onions

    Shark’sfin with crabmeat

    Braised pork with preserved vegetable in soy sauce

    Poached Sliced Beef in Hot Chilli Oil

    Spicy chilli chicken

    Hot sizzling beef on iron plate

    Beef stew potato

    Braised chicken drumstick

    Chicken with green pepper

    Sweet and sour pork with pinapple

    Eel in Black Bean Sauce 

    Roasted duck

    Fried eel

    Spicy duck

    Kung Pao Chicken

    Braised fish

    Lamb with cumin

    Mutton fried with ginger and onions

    Steak in iron plate

    Saute Spicy Chicken

    Fried Lily with celery

    Sautéed Sweet Corn with Pine Nuts

    Fried sweet corn

    Steamed cabbage with garlic andglass noodle

    Stir-fry cabbage

    Fried bitter melon with egg

    Fried bitter melon

    All-time-favourite tofu

    Spicy tofu

    Eggplant with minced meat

    Braised eggplant

    Stir-fry Shredded Pork with fish

    Stir-fry broccoli

    Stir-fry dried beancurd and chives

    Spicy tofu (这个好像重复了)

    Vegetable cooked with mushrooms

    Stir-fry lettuce

    Beef stew potato(这个也重复了)

    Fried prawns(重复)

    Braised chicken (重复)

    Fried steak 

    Fried chicken drumstick

    Fried chicken wings

    Yuanyang bun

    Potato and meat burger(重复)

    Yangzhou fried rice

    Roasted duck rice

    Indonesian fried rice

    Sesame seed cake

    Pigeon soup

    Shark’s fin soup

    Boiled chicken soup

    Seaweed and egg soup

    Thick corn soup with eggs

望采纳!这些完全人工翻的~~~ :D
