
英语是当今世界应用最广的一种国际性语占。语言是人类最重要的交际工具,由于不同国家和地区特定的社会、文化和地理环境,使语言产生语音、词汇和语法力一面的变异,形成了同一种语言的不同变体。目前最具有影响力的两种英语变体是英国英语和美国英语。美国英语就是美国人所使用的英语(Allleriean English,以下简称AlllE),以此同英国人所用的英语(British English,以一下简称BrE)相区别。本文从英式英语与美式英语两国的文化异同方面,以及两者之间的不同方面一一进行了阐述,就单词拼法上和发音上、日期、数字表达方面、书信方面、称呼方面、习惯用语、通电话方面的差异进行了归纳和分析,以利英语学习者了解它们之间的差异从而更有效地学好英语.

  (原文)民失作业而大饥馑??人相食,死者过半。自天子不能具醇驷(四匹相同颜色的马驾车),而将相或乘牛\x0d\x0a  (翻译大意)人民失去职业而大饥馑??人相食,死的人超过一半。从天子不具备醇四(四个相同颜色的马驾车)。而将相或乘牛(代步)\x0d\x0a  (原文)至今上即位岁数??民则人给家足,都鄙廪庾皆满,而府库余货财。京师之钱累巨万,贯朽而不可校。太仓之粟陈陈相因,充溢露积于外,至腐败不可食。\x0d\x0a  (翻译大意)直到今皇帝即位一年多次??老百姓就每人给家足,采邑粮仓都满,而国库余货财。京城的钱币千千万万,(钱)贯(绳)朽而不能校(准)。太仓的米陈陈(旧米陈化粮相混)相连,充满露积在外(任凭风吹雨淋),(已经)腐烂不能食用。\x0d\x0a  《百度文言文翻译》\x0d\x0a‍
第1个回答  2008-05-16
English is the world's most extensive application of an international language of. Human language is the most important communication tool, as different countries and regions specific social, cultural and geographical environment in which the language have a voice, vocabulary and grammar of a variant form of a language with different variations. At present the two most influential English variant of the British English and American English. American English is used by the Americans in English (Allleriean English, hereinafter referred to AlllE), the same as used by the British English (British English, referred to the BrE) of the difference. This article from the British English and American English the cultural similarities and differences between the two countries, and between the different aspects of the conduct on January 1, the word pronunciation and spelling, dates, number of expression, letters, called in , Idioms, call the difference was summed up and analysis, to help English learners to understand the differences between them in order to more effectively learn English well.本回答被提问者采纳