

一 写出下列动词的过去式
sing sang eat ate see saw have had do did
go went buy bought get got read read fly flew am/is was are were say said leave left tell told draw drew
come came lose lost swim swam take took
find found drink drank feel felt
二 写出下列名词的复数形式
sheep sheep goose geese foot feet tooth teeth
photo____photos_____tomato tomatoes potato potatoes bus buses
box boxes leaf leaves knife knives
butterfly butterflies boy boys mouse mice
三 写出下列单词的反义词
big small long short strong weak tall short young old
left right cold warm close open bad good
四 写出下列动词的现在分词
swim swimming dance dancing cook cooking walk walking have having eat eating 六 写出下列单词的对应词
boy girl those these day night Miss Mr
man woman mother father aunt uncle
七 写出下列形容词的比较级
big bigger heavy heavier easy easier many more thin thinner
good well young younger hot hotter happy happier late later
strong stronger追问



一 写出下列动词的过去式
sing sang eat ate see saw have had do did
go went buy bought get got read read fly flew am/is was are were say said leave left tell told draw drew
come came lose lost swim swam take took
find found drink drank feel felt
二 写出下列名词的复数形式
sheep sheep goose geese foot feet tooth teeth
photo photos_ tomato tomatoes potato potatoes bus buses
box boxes leaf leaves knife knives
butterfly butterflies boy boys mouse mice
三 写出下列单词的反义词
big small long short strong weak tall short young old
left right cold warm close open bad good
四 写出下列动词的现在分词
swim swimming dance dancing cook cooking walk walking have having eat eating
六 写出下列单词的对应词
boy girl those these day night Miss Mr
man woman mother father aunt uncle
七 写出下列形容词的比较级
big bigger heavy heavier easy easier many more thin thinner
good well young younger hot hotter happy happier late later
strong stronger

记得采纳 后面横线是答案 希望可以帮到你 不要指手抄一遍 要记在心里




