
1 明天会 升温多少度? / 降温多少度?

2 明天会升温8 度 / 降温8 度

3 后天气温会升至25度 / 降至12 度

4 经常看看天气预报,对出行很有帮助

5 这个东西免费送给你了

第1个回答  2013-03-20
How much warmer/colder tomorrow?
it'll be 8 degree higher/lower tomorrow
it'll be up to 25 degree/down to 12 degree the day after tomorrow
it's always good to check local weather report before going out.
You may take it for free
第2个回答  2013-03-22
1.how many degrees will increase/decrease tomorrow?
2.the temperature will go up/down 8 degrees.
3.the temperature will go up to 25 degrees the day after tomorrow
the temperature will go down to 12 degrees the day after tomorrow
4.it is very helpful for traveling to look up the weather report often
5. this thing is given to you for free
第3个回答  2013-03-26
Tomorrow will be how many degrees temperature? How many degrees/cooling

Tomorrow will be cool temperatures 8 degrees / 8 degrees

The day after tomorrow the temperature will rise to 25 degrees/drop to 12 degrees

Often look at the weather forecast, is very helpful to travel

This thing for free send to you