谁能帮我做下这道英语写作题= =感激~三个例子。。能帮忙写一下么?

You can easily generate ideas for an essay by brainstorming. Once you have chosen a topic to write about, ask yourself a series of questions: What? When? Why? How? Where? and Who? For example, Mary was assigned an essay about her favorite job, so she asked herself these questions:
Why was my job waiting tables at the local coffee shop my favorite?
(nice customers, good pay, a friendly boss, cute uniforms)
What did the coffee shop look like?
(big windows, shiny, polished countertops, big red booths, holiday decorations up all year round)
How did I get the job?
(One day I was in the coffee shop, enjoying a milkshake with my friends, when the owner approached the table. “Business is really good,” he told us. “But two of my waitresses are leaving to go back to school. Do you know anyone who would like to work here?” I immediately said yes.)
Directions: Here are some topics for you to ask yourself questions about. Grab a sheet of paper and give yourself ten minutes to generate as many details as possible:
--The worst job I ever had
--The most peaceful place I know
--The most exciting day of my life
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--The worst job I ever had  - 我曾经有过的最糟糕的工作
--The most peaceful place I know  - 我知道的最和平的地方
--The most exciting day of my life - 我的生命里最令人兴奋的一天
