急。求一篇英语作文。题目是 学会放松。多少词都行


学会放松Learning to relax 漫长的人生,也许会有许多苦闷占据你生活的空间,你的心情会变得阴晦而暗然。而此时的你只有一种办法可以救自己,那不是什么救世主所能做到。只有你自己,用一种自我解嘲的方式让自己放松心情,使自己解脱。A long life, maybe there will be a lot of anguish occupy your life space, your mood will become Yin hi and dark however. And then you have only a way to save himself, and that's not what the savior can do. Only you, in a state of almost abject happiness way to relax the mood, and make our own liberation. 我记得在读心理学时,老师提到过“自圆其说”法,其实这种方法指的是自慰。也就是说,当一个人陷入困境时,而别人又不能宽慰你什么,有时候也许别人的宽慰反而激起更大困扰。那么就请你站出来转换一下自己的角度,不要在一个地方老是垂头丧气。适当得给自己找一些理由“安慰”自己,帮助自己走出低谷,或许你的心情会愉快起来。I remember reading psychology, the teacher mentioned \"categorically\" method, actually this method refers to masturbate. That is, when a man got in trouble, and others are not relieved you nothing, sometimes perhaps others relief aroused worry more instead. Then would you please stand out and change my own perspective, don't in a place always depressed. Right to find me some reason \"comfort\" themselves, help themselves out of the lowlands, perhaps your mood will be happy together. 生活是一步一步向前走,而我们又总是在记忆、遗忘当中生活。许多人对自己总是记不住东西而忧心忡忡,可是他们忘了,生活在这个星球上,遗忘是确确实实存在的。我们没有必要对容易忘记事情而烦恼。一个人如果真得可以百事不忘,甚至于可以记下一切,那我想这个人可能会觉得更加地痛苦。人既然生活在地球这样一个球形体里,总避免不了与他人交往,而交往当中又难免会滋生出不少的烦恼。如果要想从不和谐氛围中求得和平团结,那最好的办法就是忘记曾经发生过的事、发生过的一切不快乐,让交往重新开始。不过有时候人真得很倔,许多事情就是无法从脑海当中抹去。那么就让自己平静下来,打开CD或任何可以播放音乐的设备,通过音乐调节自己疲惫的心灵。我记得有一位钢琴演奏家说过,“音乐对身心有一种别辟佳境的特殊功效。”放一放音乐,尤其是自己喜欢的音乐,在陶醉当中自会有一番情调,宽广、深厚的旋律会消除你沉闷的心情,让你忘记许多本不该太多的烦恼。Life is one step one step forward, and we're always in memory, forgotten of life. Many people never remember things to worry about, but they forget, living on this planet, forgetfulness is indeed exist. We have no need for easy to forget things and vexation. If a person really can not forget the Pepsi, even can write down everything, that I think the people may feel more pain. Since people living on earth so that a ball in form, always can't avoid communication with other people, and also in the midst of the association is a lot of trouble breeding. If you want to be never seek peace and unity harmonious atmosphere, the best way is to forget what happened, everything that happened not happy, let contacts to start again. But sometimes people are really very stubborn, many things are not from the mind of erased. Then let myself to calm down, open a CD or any can play music equipment, through music to adjust oneself weary heart. I remember there is a pianist said, \"music for the mind and body have a kind of special functions getting monarch.\" Put a put music, especially oneself to like music, since there will be among intoxicated in a emotional appeal, broad and profound melodies will eliminate you depressing mood, let you forget many shouldn't have too much trouble. 在这个时候,你再设身处地的为别人想想,会发现许多事情可能都是有一些不能宽容别人而使自己心里沉积了太多的不平衡所导致。宽容,其实就是给别人机会,给自己快乐,岂不是两全其美?让自己的心胸开阔,烦恼便会消失殆尽。At this time, you to put yourself in the other think, will find that many things may be some can't tolerate others and make their deposits in the heart of the imbalance in too much. Tolerance, in fact, is that chance to others, to oneself happy, not kill two birds with one stone? Let his open-minded, trouble will be lost. 面对着现在求职的困难,有人会说,“生活就是不公平”。确实的,机遇对每个人来说并非是平等的,有时候眼睁着到手的机会就那样从自己的眼皮底下滑过,不免会自责、追悔。可是要知道,机会是不断有的,错过了一次,只有让心平静下来,积聚力量去等待。Facing the difficult job now, someone will say, \"life is not fair\". Indeed, the opportunity for each are not equal, and sometimes eye open the opportunity to get that from their eyelids bottom slide, unavoidably will blame, afterthoughts. But you know, chances are constantly some, missed a, only let the heart calm down, gather strength to wait. 学会放松自己、学会自我解嘲,把自己从烦恼中解脱出来。让自己更大程度的快乐起来,更大程度的去领略生活当中的情趣,去品尝生活当中的丝丝甜蜜Learn to relax, and learn to give themselves from his troubles in earnest. To a greater degree of happy, a greater degree of to appreciate the appeal of the life, to taste life filar silk is sweet 你可以随便选择 都有翻译
第1个回答  2013-03-29
Learn to relax
天上挂着月牙儿,稀稀落落的几颗小星星陪衬着。我坐在草地上,习惯性的数着地上的小草。风儿低低的吟唱着,拂过我的手指,弹着我前额的发丝,给我一种毫无压力的舒适,顿时我忘记了现实的“残酷”。 景物描写显现一片惬意的景象
The crescent moon hung in the sky, a few a few little stars behind it. I sit on the grass, habitual counting the grass on the ground. The wind singing, brushed my finger, and my forehead hair, give me a no pressure comfort, suddenly I forget the cruel reality "". The scenery description and presents a pleasant scene
Near the senior high school entrance examination, do a more complex test, in the words into Chinese characters and to the digital wandering, in the classroom to the cafeteria to dormitory in a hurry, I think of lying in bed motionless, any time the diligent man running.
坐在教室中间,每天看着同学们焦急而又期待的眼神,真有种想逃的感觉。可不!坐在最后一组最后一个座位的男生乘着快马飞走了,我近水楼台先得月迅速占领了这个位子。这儿,在数学老师眼里可不是个好位子,在我看来,这可是个“黄金宝座”,累的时候,可以靠着身后的立式空调,可以看看对面楼房窗前的那盆杜鹃花,虽然每次只是一扫而过,可内心总有一种淡淡的幸福感.我坐在教室最后一组最后一个座位,有一种“结庐在人境,而无车马喧”的感觉。窗外的杜鹃花开得越来越盛了,大概在我放暑假时就会开满了吧!风儿,吹进教室,轻轻地抚摸着我的发肤。闭上眼睛,任思绪奔放,风中带着新鲜的泥土味儿,那是家乡的泥土味啊!我孩提时的那些发小,我祖屋前的那颗柳树,我家门前的那条小河……你们都还好吗? 安适地享受闲情
Sitting in the middle of the classroom, looking at the students anxiety and look forward to the eyes, really have the kind of want to escape. Can't! Sit in the last group of the last seat boys riding horse flies away, I first come, first served quickly occupied the seat. Here, in the mathematics teacher's eyes is not a good place, in my opinion, this is a "golden throne", when tired, you can rely on him for the vertical air conditioning, can have a look of the basin of Rhododendron opposite the building window flower, although each is gone, the heart can be always happy with a light I sit in a classroom in the last group of the last seat, there is a "Jielu people in the territory, and no noise of chariots and horsemen.". The cuckoo flower more Sheng, probably in my summer vacation will be full! The wind, blowing into the classroom, gently stroking my hair skin. Close your eyes, let your thoughts and flowing, the wind with fresh soil taste, it is the hometown of the earthy flavor! The hair of my childhood, the tree in front of my father, my home in front of the river...... Are you ok? Comfortable enjoyment of leisure
Jingle bell, the bell brought me back to reality, let me return to their own space, this is not much, if any happiness!
Oh, learn to relax is another realm.本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-03-30
when we were a boy/girl,our parents told us "don`t idle away your times" actually it is right. yet,we think quiet differently nowadays, with rapid development of social,our fi has been faced more and more odds。time wittenessed us ,someone good at relaxing will be the top of earth.