这段话中massive heterogeneity是什么意思

The wide adoption of social media has increased the competition among ideas for our finite attention. We
employ a parsimonious agent-based model to study whether such a competition may affect the popularity of
different memes, the diversity of information we are exposed to, and the fading of our collective interests for
specific topics. Agents share messages on a social network but can only pay attention to a portion of the
information they receive. In the emerging dynamics of information diffusion, a few memes go viral while
most do not. The predictions of our model are consistent with empirical data from Twitter, a popular
microblogging platform. Surprisingly, we can explain the massive heterogeneity in the popularity and
persistence of memes as deriving from a combination of the competition for our limited attention and the
structure of the social network, without the need to assume different intrinsic values among ideas.

1、massive 指由大的东西所构成组成的,即“大范围的”或“大面积的”;heterogeneity 指含有多种成分的性质或状态,即“多相性”、“不纯一性”或“异质性”。


     the massive heterogeneity(大范围的多相性)指上文提到如下情况:


    “不同存贮器的普及,即我们暴露出的信息差异 (he popularity of different memes, the diversity of information we are exposed to)]”;

    “因特殊总联机程序和信息控制系统而产生的集体利益衰落现象(the fading of our collective interests for specific topics)”;

    “在新兴的情报传播编辑器中,有些存贮器过滤病毒,多数存贮器则不过滤 (In the emerging dynamics of information diffusion, a few memes go viral while most do not.)”。


     以上就是 heterogeneity,而且还是 massive 存在的。


2、we can explain the massive heterogeneity in the popularity and persistence of memes as deriving from a combination of the competition for our limited attention and the structure of the social network 一句中,用的是 explain … as … 短语,意思是“把…作为…解释”。此处的the massive heterogeneity是explain 的宾语,介词短语as deriving from 是宾语补足语】



