


Huangshan Mountain is located in Huangshan City, southern Anhui Province. It has 72 peaks. The main peak of Lianhua Peak is 1864 meters above sea level. It is also called the three main peaks of Huangshan Mountain, one of the 36 peaks, together with Guangming Peak and Tiandu Peak.

Huangshan Mountain is the symbol of Anhui tourism and the only mountain scenery of the top ten scenic spots in China.Huangshan, formerly known as Yishan Mountain, is named for its black and blue peak rock and its distant view of Cangdai. Later, it was said that Emperor Xuanyuan had made alchemy here, so he was renamed Huangshan.

Huangshan's representative landscapes are "four unique waterfalls", four unique: Qisong, weird rocks, Yunhai, hot springs; three waterfalls: herringbone waterfall, Baizhang spring, Jiulong waterfall. Huangshan welcoming pine is a symbol of the warm friendship of Anhui people, carrying the Oriental etiquette culture embracing the world.















第1个回答  2013-09-01
Mount Huangshan Mountain scenic Huangshan (China), one of the world famous scenic tourist attractions in southern anhui province, is located in HuangShanShi. The summit, at an altitude of 1864 meters. Mount huangshan in subtropical monsoon climate, because of the high mountain valley, climate change is vertical deep. Due to the north and south slope at by the sun radiation difference on the local climate, topography, clouds play a leading role, humidity and precipitation of climatic characteristics. Mount huangshan sets of mountains. Mount tai, huashan mountain of the mighty, the cloud of lushan mountain, hengshan waterfalls, the perfect stone, emeishan yandangshan the beautiful, huangshan are both. Ming travelers, geographers xu two swimming, huangshan said: "mount huangshan mountain GuanZhi, there is!" Keep back again, "one not return from whence huangshan. More "qiqi mountain". Don't say no, no stone peak, neither loose, and not to loose and hot in huangshan four who. Secondly, three waterfalls, 16 lake springs, twenty-four brook shine like the '. Spring, summer, autumn and winter seasons different view. Mount huangshan also both "and" natural zoo where there, the botanical garden plants, animals, 500 nearly 1500. Mount huangshan climate, summer resort is unique, and ingeniously state-level scenic resort. In 1985, the national top 10 scenic spots in December 1990 by UNESCO listed on the world culture and natural heritage of China, is the first as a cultural and natural heritage double the listed. In February 2004 world geological parks. Famous international and world. There are many ancient poetry in the huangshan. On May 8, 2007, the national tourism administration HuangShanShi huangshan approval for national 5A grade scenic spots.
The beauty of huangshan, is a kind of language used to express in artistic beauty, with much of humanity beauty. Associations Whether in the next show TieGu ZhengRong YangGangZhiMei, or the cloud covered the beauty of the gleaming under or in March elsewhere in the romance of flowers bloom, even in the beauty of winter snow drives YinZhuangSuGuo everywhere under the beauty of holiness, to enjoy the beauty of beauty.
Mount huangshan 365 days only 52 days can see the sea. The people swam huangshan, said: "is the theme" huangshan in clouds. This is the best scenery in huangshan, and is a peak for best when clouds. When the people in the mountain top, see the bowed down, such as the clouds ManWuBianJi is near the coast, wave roaming the peak flood, spray splashing plays, JingTaoPaiAn. Mount huangshan clouds, special JiJue. The mist and layer, responsible, with JiYun rise and fall, circling, stretching, constitute a peculiar ever-changing clouds galore. Whenever the cloud chung, the area is divided into many huangshan cloud sea. By fog shrouded peaks, spectacular, suddenly revealed the air of mountain, show the perfect expressed in here. With a layer of clouds flapped in the middle, the veil which mountains, scenery protean fleeting, seconds are not the same.
Mount huangshan annual average fog Song 62 days 35.9 YuSong, these days. Mount huangshan mostly in the northeast, temperature granular 2 - - - 7 ° c, is easy to form. When the cloud droplets to expand into plush drizzle, can form YuSong. Mount huangshan complex terrain, its difference, so obviously some places, in some places YuSong more than two scenes, sometimes can be simultaneously.
第2个回答  2013-09-01


黄山集名山之长,泰山之雄伟,华山之险峻,衡山之烟云,庐山之瀑,雁荡之巧石,峨嵋之秀丽,黄山无不兼而有之。明代旅行家、地理学家徐霞客两游黄山,赞叹说:“登黄山在下无山,观止矣!”又留下“五岳归来不看山,黄山归来不看岳”的美誉。 Of all the notable mountains in China, Mount Huangshan, to be found in the south of Anhui province, is probably the most famous. Originally known as Mt. Yishan it was renamed Mt. Huangshan in 747 AD in recognition of the legendary Huang Di, who was the reputed ancestor of the Chinese people and who made magic pills for immortality here.

Wu yue is the collective name given to China’s most important mountains, namely Mt. Taishan in Shandong Province, Mt. Huashan in Shaanxi Province, Mt. Hengshan in Shanxi Province, Mt. Songshan in Henan Province and Mt. Hengshan in Hunan Province. It is said that you won’t want to visit any other mountains after seeing wu yue but you won’t wish to see even wu yue after returning from Mt. Huangshan. This saying may give you some idea of the beauty and uniqueness of Mt. Huangshan. Together with the Yellow River, the Yangtze River and the Great Wall, Mt. Huangshan has become one of the great symbols of China.

Mt. Huangshan can boast not only of its magnificence but also its abundant resources and great variety of zoological species, for which it has been listed as a World Natural and Cultural Heritage Site
第3个回答  2020-07-16
Huangshan Mountain is located in Huangshan City, southern Anhui Province. It has 72 peaks. The main peak of Lianhua Peak is 1864 meters above sea level. It is also called the three main peaks of Huangshan Mountain, one of the 36 peaks, together with Guangming Peak and Tiandu Peak.
第4个回答  2020-04-12