allow agree permit approve 的区别以及用法


这几个单词都含有“同意、批准、允许”的意思,需要注意区别运用。1. admit的意思是“同意进入,允许进入”(经常与to连用)。如:The number admitted must not exceed 200. 容纳的数目不得超过200。Children are (admitted) half-price. 儿童半价(入场)。Latecomers will not be admitted until the interval. 迟到者在休息时间方可入场。2. allow泛指“一般性同意,允许”。如:Passengers are not allowed to smoke. 乘客不得吸烟。Photography is not allowed in this theatre. 本剧院内不准摄影。Because of compassion for her terrible suffering they allowed her to stay. 他们因为同情她的悲惨遭遇而准许她居留。3. permit 常用来表示“上下级之间的允许,批准”。如:Dogs are not permitted in the building. 不得携狗进入楼内。Dogs are not permitted to foul the pavement. 禁止狗在人行道上便溺。The prisoners were permitted two hours’ exercise a day. 允许犯人每天有两小时户外活动。4. approve的主要意思是“批准(条文,协议等),赞同”(常与of连用)。如:I’m bowing out of this scheme I don’t approve of it. 我退出这个计划——我不同意它。I approve of your trying to earn some money, but please don’t neglect your studies. 我同意你去挣一些钱,可是请不要误了功课。