理发师陶德/理发师托德/疯狂理发师/恶魔理发师/魔街理发师/剃刀开道 Sweeney Todd: The Demon Barber of Fleet Street ------- (2007) Inside the Two Worlds of 'The Corpse Bride' ------- (2006) 查理和巧克力工厂/查理与巧克力工厂/朱古力掌门人 Charlie and the Chocolate Factory ------- (2005) 僵尸新娘/骷髅新娘/怪诞尸新娘 Corpse Bride ------- (2005) 大鱼/大智若鱼/大鱼老爸/大鱼当道/大鱼奇缘 Big Fish ------- (2003) 决战猩球/人猿星球/猿人争霸战 Planet of the Apes ------- (2001) The World of Stainboy ------- (2000) 无头骑士/断头谷/沉睡谷/无头谷/无头睡谷/睡谷传奇/寂静山谷/ Sleepy Hollow ------- (1999) 火星人玩转地球/火星人大侵袭/星战毁灭者/火星人袭击地球/外星人进攻 Mars Attacks! ------- (1996) 艾德·伍德/艾活传/爱在好莱坞的日子/艾得·伍德 Ed Wood ------- (1994) 蝙蝠侠归来/蝙蝠侠2/蝙蝠侠再战风云 Batman Returns ------- (1992) 剪刀手爱德华/幻海奇缘/梦幻剪刀手 Edward Scissorhands ------- (1990) 蝙蝠侠 Batman ------- (1989) 甲壳虫汁/哗鬼家族/阴间大法师 Beetle Juice ------- (1988) 荒唐小混蛋奇遇记 Pee-wee's Big Adventure ------- (1985) 小科学怪人 Frankenweenie ------- (1984) 文森特 Vincent ------- (1982) Luau ------- (1982) Hansel and Gretel ------- (1982) Stalk of the Celery ------- (1979) Doctor of Doom ------- (1979) The Island of Doctor Agor ------- (1971)