求 I will always love you 歌词的中文翻译


Hannah Montana - I'll Always Remember You

I always knew this day would come 我一直深知这一天终将到来
We'd be standing one by one 我们一起手拉手肩并肩
With the future in our hands 手中紧紧握着我们各自的未来
So many dreams so many plans 那么多的梦想 那么多的计划

I always knew after all these years 一直深知与你共度的这些日子
There'd be laughter there'd be tears 几度欢笑 记得落泪
But never thought I'd walk away 有你在身旁 我从来都没想过要放弃
With so much joy but so much pain 旅途如此快乐 但又如此艰辛
And it's so hard to say goodbye 真的舍不得现在就说再见

But yesterday's gone 但是昨日已经远去
We gotta keep moving on 我们仍要不懈前行
I'm so thankful for the moments 我感激与你共度的青春年华
So glad I got to know you 更珍惜晕的相知相识
The times that we had 与你的点点滴滴
I'll keep like a photograph 我会像相册一般珍藏
And hold you in my heart forever 把你深深烙印在我的心灵深处
I'll always remember you 我会永远铭记你

La la la la

La la la la

La la la la la

Another chapter in the book 人生的崭新篇章已经翻开
Can't go back but you can look 你无法再次经历但随时可以翻阅回忆
And there we are on every page 我们的经历就写在书中的每个角落
Memories I'll always save 美好的记忆我们将永远留存

Up ahead only open doors 面对着这扇走向未来的大门
Who knows what we're heading towards 谁知道我们会面对怎样的一幅图景
I wish you love I wish you luck 希望你能享受其中 衷心祝愿你一切顺利
For you the world just opens up 你的未来才刚刚起步
But it's so hard to say goodbye 但我真的舍不得现在就说再见

Yesterday's gone 昨日已经远去
We gotta keep moving on 我们仍要不懈前行
I'm so thankful for the moments 我感激与你共度的青春年华
So glad I got to know you 更珍惜晕的相知相识
The times that we had 与你的点点滴滴
I'll keep like a photograph 我会像相册一般珍藏
And hold you in my heart forever 把你深深烙印在我的心灵深处
I'll always remember you 我会永远铭记你

Every day that we had 我们所经历的一切
All the good all the bad 那些快乐和那些伤心
I'll keep'em here inside 我会把它们深深埋在心底
All the times that we shared 我们曾分享的各种经历
Every place everywhere 到过的每个地方
You touched my life 吧、都布满你的足迹
Yeah one day we'll look back 是的 总有一天当我们回首往事
We'll smile and we'll laugh 会不禁嘴角上扬 谈笑风生
But right now we just cry 但是现在我们只能潸然哽咽
'Cause it's so hard to say goodbye 因为说声再见 竟如此艰难

Yesterday's gone 但是昨日已经远去
We gotta keep moving on 我们仍要不懈前行
I'm so thankful for the moments 我感激与你共度的青春年华
So glad I got to know you 更珍惜晕的相知相识
The times that we had 与你的点点滴滴
I'll keep like a photograph 我会像相册一般珍藏
And hold you in my heart forever 把你深深烙印在我的心灵深处
I'll always remember you 我会永远铭记你


I'll always remember you 我一定不会把你忘怀


I'll always remember you 我会永远把你铭记在心
第1个回答  2013-08-15
If I should stay.如果我留下来。 I would only be in Ur way.我会成为你的羁绊。 So I'll go.所以我离去。 But I know.但我知道。 I'll think of U every step of the way.我每迈出的一步都会想着你。 And I will always love U ! 于是我将永远爱你! I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你! U,my darling U ! 你,我亲爱的宝贝! Bitter sweet memories.苦涩而甜蜜的回忆。 That is all I'm taking with me.是我带走的唯一东西。 So goodbye,please don't cry.再见吧,请不要哭泣。 We both know I'm not what U need.我们彼此都知道我不是你所需。 And I will always love U ! 于是我将永远爱你! I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你! I hope life treats U kind.我希望生活能善待你。 And I hope U have all U dreamed off.希望你好梦成真。 And I wish 2 U joy & happiness.祝愿你美满幸福。 But above all this I wish 2 U love.更要祝福你找到真爱。 And I will always love U ! 于是我将永远爱你! I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你! I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你! I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你! I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你! I will always love U ! 我将永远爱你! Daring I love U ! 亲爱的,我爱你! Always love U ! 永远爱你! 要采纳哦 ....