
写作需要新颖的想法及丰富的想象力。(involve)他经常把手机忘在语言实验室,令他父母很苦恼。(typical,which)许多年轻人正期盼参与一些旨在加强责任感的活动。(look forward)他没能提前完成这项工作是因为缺乏与他人有效沟通的能力。(due to)Karen 被提升为销售经理后全身心地投入工作,以致于废寝忘食。(so……that)

1>Writing involve fresh ideas and rich imagination.2>He often forget his mobile phone in the language lab which is typical make his parents very distressed.3>Many young people are looking forward to participate in some designed to enhance the sense of responsibility of activitives.4>He didn't finish the job ahead of time because he lack the ability to communicate effectively to due to others.5.Karen was so hard working after he was promoted to the sales manager that be absorbed as to forget food and sleep.
第1个回答  2013-08-16
呵呵,英语就是1. Writing involves fresh ideas and abundant imagination.2. He often forgets his mobile phone in the language lab, which troubles his parents a lot.3. Many young men are looking forward to participating some activities aiming to strengthen sense of responsibility.4. Due to lack of effective ways to communicate with pthers, he couldn't finish the work in advance.5. After being promoted as the sales manager, Karen was devoted to work so heart and soul that she forgot to sleep and eat.
第2个回答  2013-08-16
Writing involves new ideas and rich imagination.It is typical for him to left his cellphone at language lab, which makes his parents annoy.Many youth are looking forward to take part in some actitivities with responsibility awareness.He is not finish this job in advance due to his imcompetence of efficent communication.Karen was so devoted to his work that he always forget to eat and sleep, after being named as sales manager.本回答被网友采纳