


When would you like the products delivered? Currently we don't have products in stock. It requires one month for production. Could you accept it? 



If you really cannot pay in cash, then you can pay by transfer.


    deliver - 交货

    in stock - 现货

    pay in cash - 用现金支付

    transfer - 转账




第1个回答  2013-01-25
When do you need the delivery? We don't have them available now. It will take around 1 month to produce. Would you accept?

If you really can not make the payment by cash. then you pay by bank transfer.
第2个回答  2013-01-25
when do u want the product?i am sorry we dont have in stock,if its acceptable we need one month for the production.
T/T is acceptable if u cant pay in cash.
第3个回答  2013-01-25
When do you require the goods? We do not have enough prompt products currently. It will cost one month to producing the products you need. Could you accept it?
If you have no approach to pay cash, then transfer it.
第4个回答  2013-01-25
English translater