
主题是:do you surf the net?

设计情景对话,要确定对话双方的身份。我简单“脑布”了一个场景,有关于一个同学上周感冒在家呆了一周,家里路由器不好使,无法上网,特高兴回学校的故事,可以用于同学之间课余闲谈,两人分别为 Student A, Student B。

Student A: Hi, Student B (name, such as Roger)! How are you going? Good to see you here back on campus.

Student B: Oh, hello Student A (such as Kate)! I'm great! How are you then?

Student A: I'm good! I heard you caught cold and therefore stayed at home for a week.

Student B: Yeah, true. It was so boring for me to just lie in my bed and do nothing.

Student A: Oh, pity! Why didn't you surf the internet then?

Student B: I couldn't, 'cause the router at home didn't work properly due to some technical issues.

Student A: ....Which means you cannot surf the internet at all?

Student B: I have to say, no. That's why I am eager to be back in class! It's so relieved to see you guys again!

Student A: Yeah, and you can use the free wifi on campus again.

Student B: Of course!

