

What is friendship? Friendship is a bridge constucted by you and me, not you or me alone.Of course,building a bridge is a great project which consumes time and energy. As the saying goes,"time reveals all things". Maybe a bridge has been built, but it could not whistand the wind and rain of future. And time will help us to test on it. So friendship is you and me, time and energy.
What is friendship? The friendship of Marx and Engels was called the great friendship.Just because their outstanding work changed the world ? I think it is far from the essential of friendship. It was with the help of Engles that Marx could focus on his masterpiece and finally composed the communist manifesto. At the same time, it was the common worship for freedom and justice that encourge them to work together through the hard period. So friendship is you and me , help and dream.
What is friendship? A old man may find that he has only one friend in his life. Friends are easy to spell , easy to pronounce, but difficult to be forever. In childhood, we played together innocently. When we were tennagers, we went after our dream . In the future, I may not know where you are and what you will have become. But we will still remember once a time you and me are friends.
Friendship is you and me, and we will be together again at the bridge after a long sailin.