in case 和 in order that 在用句中的区别

I wrote it down _____ I should forget it . 我觉得两者都可以用呢。 为什么答案是in case

本句只能用in case表示以防万一的意思。in order that引导目的状语从句,意思是“为了,以便”,句意不通。
第1个回答  2013-04-23
1. John may phone tonight.I don't want to go out ____ he phones.(NMET 2000,春季) long as order that case that
2.I should stay in the hotel all day _____ there is news of the missing child.NMET 2000上海春季) case matter any case D.even since
3.I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some ____ .(NMET 2000) last case C.once again time
以上三题答案尽管相同,但in case在三题中的词义和语法职能并不一样,其用法使人困惑。今不揣浅陋,将以上三种用法以及与in case相关的几个短语用法,一并试予介绍和讨论。拙文拟分两个部分,先介绍各个短语的词义并列举实例;再讨论各个短语用法特点、同项用法的区别以及可转换为其他句型的用法。 (一)in case作短语连词,能引导状语从句。就其词义和语法职能来分,可引导两种从句。
其一:in case /just in case引导目的状语从句作“以免,以备,以防”等解。如:
He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he returns.
I've bought a chicken in case your mother stays to lunch.
I decided to stay at home just in case my friends came round.
I'll make some sandwiches in case you feel hungry on the journey.
Buy one of his paintings now,in case they get more expensive.
You must be quiet in case the fish are frightened.其二:in case接条件从句,意为“如果、万一”。如:
In case we fail,we won't lose heart.万一我们失败,我们决不会失去信心。
Add more coal in case the weather is cold.如果天气冷,就添些煤吧。
In case you get home before I do,could you start preparing dinner?
In case they're late,we can always sit in the bar.
In case you were thinking I'd lend any money,I'll tell you now—I won't.
Little Melanie,in case you've forgot- ten,hasn't forgiven you.
(二)in case作副词性短语,常置于句末,表示事先准备或预防的措施,作“以防万一”解。如:
She ought to be there in case.他应在那儿等着,以防万一。
I will keep some of these unused in case.我要保留一些不用,以备急需。
“I don't think there's any danger,”said the electrician,“but you'd better switch the electricity off in case.”电工说,“我看没啥危险,不过你最好关上电闸,以防万一。”
I'm sure they haven't forgotten but let's send them a reminder just in case.
The bus is usually on time,but start early,just in case.
那班汽车通常是准点的,但你还是早点动身,以防万一。(三)in case of是短语介词,后接名词、动名词等。它带的短语置于句末常看作目的状语,作“以免,以防”解(A);置于句首常视为条件状语,作“如果,万一”解(B)。但位置不是绝对的。如:
(A)The wall was built along the river in case of floods.沿河筑起防护墙,以防洪水。
You should keep a first-aid kit in the car in case of accident.
Many shops along the route have boarded up in case of trouble.
In case of rain I have an umbrella.我带了把雨伞以防下雨。
In case of need,I can make a trip to Boston.如有急事,我可以去趟波士顿。
In case of difficulty,you can reach me at this number.
In case of my absence,some one will take my place.如果我不到,将有别人代替。
In case of my not being there,ask my brother to help you.
万一我不在那里,让我弟弟来帮助你。In case of 和for fear of的用法区别1. 作“提防”,“惟恐”这个意思讲,in case of 和for fear of 是同义词,但不一定能通用:in case of 只能用来引导名词,for fear of 多半引导动名词短语。例如:In case of fire, break the bottle. 如果发生火灾,请把瓶打破。 I always put some money in my pocket in case of need. 我总是要在口袋里放一点钱以备需用。2. 短语in case 是个连接语,作“假如”、“万一”讲。例如:And now Hercules began to consider what he should do, in case Atlas should be drowned in the sea. You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it rains.3. 同if不一样,用作连词引导条件句时,in case这个短语通常用于陈述句,不用虚拟语气,而且意思也不一样。例如:In case I ask for leave, will she agree? 如果我请假,她会答应吗?If I were to ask for leave, would he agree? 如果我请假,他会答应吗?4. 即使主句是将来时态,由in case 引导的从句,仍然使用现在时态。例如:In case the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall hold a meeting. 如果明天天气好的话,我们将召开一次会议。Henry will resign in case you drive him too hard. 如果你欺人太甚的话,亨利就会辞职不干。5. 作“以防”来讲,in case相当于for fear that, 并可以通用。例如: I wrote it down in case/ for fear that I should forget it. 我已把它抄下了,免得忘记。 I must stay at home this morning in case/for fear that he comes to see me. 我今天上午必须呆在家里,恐怕他会来看我。6. In case这个短语,英美英语中的意思有时候并不相同。例如:I will come in case I am wanted. 我会来的,因为也许有人要找我。(英式英语) I will come in case I am wanted. 我会来的,只要有人找我。(美式英语)in order that 所引导的从句的主语同主句的主语一致I lent her some money in order that she could go for a holiday. 我借给了她一些钱,以便她能去度假so that比较习惯是:引导的从句的主语和主句的主语不同.He often told lies,so that no one believe him so that 比in order that 更常用,特别是在非正式的文体中。 如:A) I'm going to make an early start so that I don't (or won't)get stuck in the traffic. 我要早点动身,以免碰上交通堵塞。 B) We ought to write to him, in order that he doesn't(or won't)feel we're hiding things from him. 我们应该给他去信,这样他就不会感到我们有什么事瞒着他。 在过去时句子中,so that 和in order that 后面一般用should 或could。情态助动词would也可用,而might只是偶尔用在较文的文体中。 如:A)He came in quietly in order that he shouldn't wake his wife. 他轻轻地进来,为了不把他妻子吵醒。 B)I took my golf clubs so that I could play at the weekend. 我带着高尔夫球棒,以便在周末能玩高尔夫球。
第2个回答  2013-04-23
1. John may phone tonight.I don't want to go out ____ he phones.(NMET 2000,春季) long as order that case that
2.I should stay in the hotel all day _____ there is news of the missing child.NMET 2000上海春季) case matter any case D.even since
3.I don't think I'll need any money but I'll bring some ____ .(NMET 2000) last case C.once again time
以上三题答案尽管相同,但in case在三题中的词义和语法职能并不一样,其用法使人困惑。今不揣浅陋,将以上三种用法以及与in case相关的几个短语用法,一并试予介绍和讨论。拙文拟分两个部分,先介绍各个短语的词义并列举实例;再讨论各个短语用法特点、同项用法的区别以及可转换为其他句型的用法。 (一)in case作短语连词,能引导状语从句。就其词义和语法职能来分,可引导两种从句。
其一:in case /just in case引导目的状语从句作“以免,以备,以防”等解。如:
He takes a torch in case it gets dark before he returns.
I've bought a chicken in case your mother stays to lunch.
I decided to stay at home just in case my friends came round.
I'll make some sandwiches in case you feel hungry on the journey.
Buy one of his paintings now,in case they get more expensive.
You must be quiet in case the fish are frightened.其二:in case接条件从句,意为“如果、万一”。如:
In case we fail,we won't lose heart.万一我们失败,我们决不会失去信心。
Add more coal in case the weather is cold.如果天气冷,就添些煤吧。
In case you get home before I do,could you start preparing dinner?
In case they're late,we can always sit in the bar.
In case you were thinking I'd lend any money,I'll tell you now—I won't.
Little Melanie,in case you've forgot- ten,hasn't forgiven you.
(二)in case作副词性短语,常置于句末,表示事先准备或预防的措施,作“以防万一”解。如:
She ought to be there in case.他应在那儿等着,以防万一。
I will keep some of these unused in case.我要保留一些不用,以备急需。
“I don't think there's any danger,”said the electrician,“but you'd better switch the electricity off in case.”电工说,“我看没啥危险,不过你最好关上电闸,以防万一。”
I'm sure they haven't forgotten but let's send them a reminder just in case.
The bus is usually on time,but start early,just in case.
那班汽车通常是准点的,但你还是早点动身,以防万一。(三)in case of是短语介词,后接名词、动名词等。它带的短语置于句末常看作目的状语,作“以免,以防”解(A);置于句首常视为条件状语,作“如果,万一”解(B)。但位置不是绝对的。如:
(A)The wall was built along the river in case of floods.沿河筑起防护墙,以防洪水。
You should keep a first-aid kit in the car in case of accident.
Many shops along the route have boarded up in case of trouble.
In case of rain I have an umbrella.我带了把雨伞以防下雨。
In case of need,I can make a trip to Boston.如有急事,我可以去趟波士顿。
In case of difficulty,you can reach me at this number.
In case of my absence,some one will take my place.如果我不到,将有别人代替。
In case of my not being there,ask my brother to help you.
万一我不在那里,让我弟弟来帮助你。In case of 和for fear of的用法区别1. 作“提防”,“惟恐”这个意思讲,in case of 和for fear of 是同义词,但不一定能通用:in case of 只能用来引导名词,for fear of 多半引导动名词短语。例如:In case of fire, break the bottle. 如果发生火灾,请把瓶打破。 I always put some money in my pocket in case of need. 我总是要在口袋里放一点钱以备需用。2. 短语in case 是个连接语,作“假如”、“万一”讲。例如:And now Hercules began to consider what he should do, in case Atlas should be drowned in the sea. You’d better take an umbrella with you in case it rains.3. 同if不一样,用作连词引导条件句时,in case这个短语通常用于陈述句,不用虚拟语气,而且意思也不一样。例如:In case I ask for leave, will she agree? 如果我请假,她会答应吗?If I were to ask for leave, would he agree? 如果我请假,他会答应吗?4. 即使主句是将来时态,由in case 引导的从句,仍然使用现在时态。例如:In case the weather is fine tomorrow, we shall hold a meeting. 如果明天天气好的话,我们将召开一次会议。Henry will resign in case you drive him too hard. 如果你欺人太甚的话,亨利就会辞职不干。5. 作“以防”来讲,in case相当于for fear that, 并可以通用。例如: I wrote it down in case/ for fear that I should forget it. 我已把它抄下了,免得忘记。 I must stay at home this morning in case/for fear that he comes to see me. 我今天上午必须呆在家里,恐怕他会来看我。6. In case这个短语,英美英语中的意思有时候并不相同。例如:I will come in case I am wanted. 我会来的,因为也许有人要找我。(英式英语) I will come in case I am wanted. 我会来的,只要有人找我。(美式英语)in order that 所引导的从句的主语同主句的主语一致I lent her some money in order that she could go for a holiday. 我借给了她一些钱,以便她能去度假so that比较习惯是:引导的从句的主语和主句的主语不同.He often told lies,so that no one believe him so that 比in order that 更常用,特别是在非正式的文体中。 如:A) I'm going to make an early start so that I don't (or won't)get stuck in the traffic. 我要早点动身,以免碰上交通堵塞。 B) We ought to write to him, in order that he doesn't(or won't)feel we're hiding things from him. 我们应该给他去信,这样他就不会感到我们有什么事瞒着他。 在过去时句子中,so that 和in order that 后面一般用should 或could。情态助动词would也可用,而might只是偶尔用在较文的文体中。 如:A)He came in quietly in order that he shouldn't wake his wife. 他轻轻地进来,为了不把他妻子吵醒。 B)I took my golf clubs so that I could play at the weekend. 我带着高尔夫球棒,以便在周末能玩高尔夫球。