

本人去年参加成人高考专升本,并且顺利考入某某大学机械电子工程专业,预计14年拿证本人英语良好,每天保证两个小时的英语学习。Last year, I sat the national higher education exams for self-taught adults from college level to university level. And I successfully got admitted to the college of mechanical and electrical engineering of certain university. And I was supposed to get a certificate or degree in 2014. My English is good and I keep learning English for two hours each day.
I have been working in auto industry for six years so I am fairly experienced. I spent more than four years in quality control and I am familiar with four technologies related to cars. I am good at inspecting motor quality and the performance of motors. And I am well versed in using measuring instruments.

I have high demands for myself in workshiops. I like researching and I do well in communication with my teamworkers. I am hardworking and I can take proactive actions to fulfil tasks according to requirements. I am dependable and willing to commit myself in my jobs. I can cooperate well with other workers. I am serious and responsible during the working process. I am always in good terms with my colleagues. And I can analyze data very well.
After work, I like swimming, skating, badminton and hanging around with my friends during holidays. 仅供参考,欢迎指正