i am staying at this hotel for three weeks

i am staying at this hotel for three weeks , i have been staying at this hotel for three weeks这两句表达的意思相同吗? 还有 i have stayed at this hotel for three weeks这句话这样写是不是有问题? 自从纠结起时态这个问题后就每看到一句话都要把他的所有时态想一遍

I am staying at this hotel for three weeks表示我要在这个酒店住三星期。(BE DOING可以表示将来的)
i have been staying at this hotel for three weeks表示我已经在这个酒店住了三个星期了,并且现在还住着。
i have stayed at this hotel for three weeks表示我已经在这个酒店住了三个星期了,但并没有表示现在是否还住着或者接下的时间是否还要住下去。
第1个回答  2013-04-16
第一句: 我打算在这家宾馆住三周。(be doing在这里表将来)
第二句: 我在这家宾馆住了三周了。(还有可能再住下去)
第三句: 我在这家宾馆住了三周了。
第2个回答  2013-04-16
现在进行时不能和for+一段时间连用,现在完成进行时可以喝for+一段时间连用。所以可以说I have been staying at this hotel for three weeks,不能说I am staying at this hotel for three weeks。 I have stayed at this hotel for three weeks.是正确的,没有问题,因为stay是延续性动词,可以和for+一段时间连用。
第3个回答  2013-04-16
i have been staying at this hotel for three weeks一般指从过去某个时间开始一直持续到现在的状态; i have stayed at this hotel for three weeks指过去完成的动作,不强度持续状态;i am staying at this hotel for three weeks 一般不这么说