
fill in , fill out , fill up 请问这三个词组的意义和用法上的区别是什么?谢谢解答!

fill in填(写);填补;代替;淤塞 fill out<主美>填写(表格等);充实;长胖;(通常指因充气)鼓起[膨胀]
fill up(使)充满;补;垫;填充
fill in

1.fill completely填满

The workman dug a hole,mended the pipe, and then filled the hole in again.这位工人挖了一个洞,修好了管道,又将洞填了起来。

The ruts must be filled in so that traffic can pass.这些车辙必须填平,以便车辆能够通过。

2.write what is necessary on sth.such as a paper填写

You got the date wrong when you were filling in the check.你填写支票时,把日期弄错了。

When you get the application form,fill it in.当你拿到申请表时,要填好。

Fill in your name and address here.在这里写上你的姓名和地址。

3.pass time消磨时光

How am I going to fill in this afternoon now that he's not coming?既然他不来,今天下午我该怎么度过呢?

4.act as a replacement for;substitute暂时代替

I can't go to the meeting.Will you fill in for me?我无法参加那个会,你能代替我去吗?

While our teacher was ill, Mr.Wang filled in for him.当我们的老师生病时,王先生来代替了他。

I'll fill in if absolutely necessary.如果绝对有必要,我来补缺。

5. provide in full详尽提供

Can you fill in the details for us?你能向我们提供详细情况吗?
只能找到那么多了 我尽力了
第1个回答  2013-04-16
fill in 填写,填满,消磨,打发(时间) fill in an application form 填写申请表格
fill out 填好,(使)变大,(使)膨胀
fill up (使)变满,填补 fill up a vacancy 填补空缺
第2个回答  2013-04-16
Fill in: 强调的是填写空白的内容.
Fill out: 强调的是完整的填写.
fill up装满,填满 最常见:be filled up with You need to fill in each blank till you fill out the form.你需要填写每一个空,直到你把这表格填完整了
第3个回答  2013-04-16
fill in 强调把东西填进去 fill out 通常在填写表格之类时用 fill up 把东西由低填满到高
第4个回答  2013-04-16
fill in:
who takes the place of another (as when things get dangerous or difficult)
v.1. supply with information
on a specific topic2. represent the effect of
shade or shadow on3. be a
substitute4. write all the required
information onto a form

fill out:
v.1. write all the required
information onto a form2. make bigger or better or
more complete3. supplement what is
thought to be deficient4. line or stuff with soft
material5. make fat or

fill up :
['filʌp] v.1. make full, also in a
metaphorical sense2. become full3. fill or stop
up4. eat until one is sated
