

Confucius (former on 28 September 551-former on April 11, 479), son last name, KongShi, the name, the word you, very lu city (now China's shandong province south essien ocres town), China's spring and autumn periods thinkers and educator, the founder of Confucianism. Confucius set a large part of Chinese ancient culture, alive has been praised as "day of the holy," "days of MuDuo", was one of the most learned in society, and was later as hole, most holy saint ruler, and marvelous meng-gua exemplary virtue. Confucius and Confucianism on China and the Korean peninsula, Japan, Vietnam and other regions have a profound effect, the region is known as the Confucian cultural circle.
孔子(前551年9月28日-前479年4月11日),子姓, 孔氏,名丘,字仲尼,鲁国陬邑(今中国山东省曲阜市南辛镇)人,中国春秋末期的思想家和教育家,儒家的创始人。孔子集华夏上古文化之大成,在世时已被誉为“天纵之圣”、“天之木铎”,是当时社会上最博学者之一,并且被后世统治者尊为孔圣人、至圣、 至圣先师、万世师表。孔子和儒家思想对中国和朝鲜半岛、日本、越南等地区有深远的影响,这些地区又被称为儒家文化圈。
第1个回答  2013-04-11
Confucius (former on 28 September 551-former on April 11, 479), son last name, KongShi, the name, the word you, very lu city (now China's shandong province south essien ocres town), China's spring and autumn periods thinkers and educator, the founder of Confucianism. Confucius set a large part of Chinese ancient culture, alive has been praised as "day of the holy," "days of MuDuo", was one of the most learned in society, and was later as hole, most holy saint ruler, and marvelous meng-gua exemplary virtue. Confucius and Confucianism on China and the Korean peninsula, Japan, Vietnam and other regions have a profound effect, the region is known as the Confucian cultural circle本回答被网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-04-11
In a sound of reading aloud in the morning, dressed in white, graceful bearing of the Li Bai approached; in a Yuemanxilou night, increasingly wide, worn thin, approached Li Bai.
First Li Bai, is that the first ring through the ages of homesickness. So bright a gleam on the foot of my bed. It seems like frost on the ground. Raise a head to look at the bright moon, sinking back again, I thought suddenly of home. From the thousands of years, with understanding, not open complex and Li Bai.
In the peaceful, the Sui dynasty song together and become the Tang Dynasty, Li Bai is a myth. He aim high, foot in Changan, at the feet of the emperor wrote to his legend. "Wine person sadness, divided into three Xiao sword, seven points into the moonlight, embroidered mouth spit, is half of Tang dynasty." A good training not quite unruly Li Bai! "Boots lux, Royal ink", you have to write the "apple of Sodom" Datang palace Yan song. Finally one day, volcano spewing up to bow and scrape: "powerful thing, so that not happy yan." You left sleeve, distribute Lane boat, leaving behind an ancient myth.
Li Bai has been an idol, its indomitable power expensive, dare Zhijian spirit deeply affects: Chinese history for 5000 years, far more than thousands of shallow pour hero! "Qin Han Guan Moon, long march has not yet" there, singing "Bai-Zhan wear yellow sand Jinjia, do not break the Kroraina terminal not" it, saying "the rise and fall of the country, expect everyone to do his duty" is...... The Chinese nation, there are countless outstanding figures! Maybe someone will say, Li Bai can't dance gun lane is a knife, not bloody battlefields, what can let you admire the worship? History will not forget: that peace in the Tang era, in the spirit of the ingratiation years, like the Li Bai emperor before healthy look powerful front cavity contempt for people who have a few? "Send my sorrow to the moon, with the monarch until Yelang West", like Li Bai in the friends of the victim of an all-out effort to help people to have a few? "Out laughing, generation is basil," as Li Baiyi in the face of difficulties and setbacks still pride unabated people can have several? History tells us that: few, much less can be counted on one's fingers.
When idling, think of Li Bai, remembered his "the Yellow River water to the sky, pour into the sea no longer back"; when the difficult, think of Li Bai, remembered his "ride the wind and cleave the waves will sometimes, Ji Yun-Fan sea"; in depressed, think of Li Bai, remembered his "natural material to be useful, Fulai is dispersed daughter"...... Li Bai's poem always attracting, Li Bai's thought always inspire. Whispering flowers in each one, every moon, will think of Li Bai, Li Bai into the world. Li Bai is the "immortal", is also a celebrity.