
一、单项选择题(45道小题,共55分)1、community (1分)A、通信B、社区C、证书D、商业2、economic(1分)A、文雅的B、渴望的C、初步的D、经济的3、reliable(1分)A、释放的B、勉强的C、依赖的D、放松的4、account for (1分)A、计数B、建立账户C、解释D、依赖5、in the long run (1分)A、实际上B、最终C、在路上 D、长跑6、部门(1分)A、measurementB、equipmentC、departmentD、apartment7、批评(1分)A、criticizeB、createC、confuseD、consolidate8、有力的 (1分)A、festivalB、preciseC、powerfulD、complex9、爆发 (1分)A、break upB、break downC、break intoD、break out10、概括 (1分)A、spring upB、sprout upC、think upD、sum up11、If the design is wrong, the project is bound to fail, ______ good all the other ideas might be.(1分)A、whateverB、howeverC、whatsoeverD、even12、If it ______ yesterday afternoon, I would have gone fishing.(1分)A、had not been rainingB、were not rainingC、would not be rainingD、should not be raining13、The villagers all _______ something to the new church buildings.(1分)A、gaveB、leftC、contributedD、afforded14、A man ______ the accident said that the bus was going at over 80mph when it crashed.(1分)A、observedB、noticedC、discoveredD、witnessed15、The hostess, dressed in her finest costume, together with the guest of honor,______ comfortably in the living room.(1分)A、was seatedB、were seatedC、sittingD、seating16、The ancient Egyptians believed all illnesses were related to ______ was eaten.(1分)A、whichB、itC、whatD、that17、He was ______ the gold medal for being the best player.(1分)A、rewardedB、forwardedC、awardedD、towards18、In history, those who launched aggressive wars all came to a bad _______.(1分)A、conclusionB、endC、finishD、doom19、In ancient times, people created many different ways to ______ time.(1分)A、controlB、cherishC、measureD、master20、The criminal ______ from prison after serving his sentence.(1分)A、releasedB、was releasedC、will releaseD、is to release

1-5 BDCCB 6-10CACDD 11-15BACDA 16-20CCBCB 希望对你有帮助 有不懂的可以追问 祝你学习顺利!
第1个回答  2013-04-13