



The Humble Administrator's Garden (or Zhuozheng Yuan) is one of four great Chinese gardens. At 51,950 m?? it is the largest garden in Suzhou and generally considered the finest garden in southern China. In 1997, Zhuozheng Yuan, along with other classical gardens of Suzhou was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The garden's site was a scholar garden during the Tang Dynasty, and later a monastery garden for the Dahong Temple during the Yuan Dynasty. In 1513, during the Ming Dynasty reign of Emperor Zhengde, an administrator named Wang Xianchen appropriated the temple and converted it into a private villa with gardens, which were constructed by digging lakes and piling the resultant earth into artificial islands. The garden was designed in collaboration with the renowned Ming artist Wen Zhengming, and was as large as today's garden, with numerous trees and pavilions. The Wang family sold the garden several years later, and it has changed hands many times since.

第1个回答  2020-12-02
美国中学教师史蒂芬·考斯是一个通晓苏州的人。出于对苏州的热爱,他花了将近八年时间,撰写了一本全面讲述苏州历史的英文书——《美丽苏州:中国苏州的社会史和文化史》(“Beautiful Su:A Social and Cultural History of Suzhou,China”),向西方读者讲述这座美丽城市从公元前514年吴王阖闾登基到21世纪的漫长历史。在史蒂芬的笔下,苏州雄立于文字和意象之上:苏州长达2500多年的历史不光记录在典故和古籍里,还凝固在这个城市的城门、古墙、河道、街巷、寺庙、集市和园林中。他向西方读者揭示了苏州在其优美园林和古老习俗之外更重要的存在:儒家思想、亲近自然、多才多艺的文人墨客和他们清高出尘的艺术修养、对国家的忠诚和贡献以及对传统、先祖的尊重。







史蒂芬决定写一本适合普通人看的苏州通史,附带介绍苏州的文化。这位美国大叔不光从美国的图书馆里借阅了一切可借阅的资料,还从亚马逊上购买珍贵的旧书。他花了整整六年的时间,阅读了475本关于苏州的书籍和文献。“这本《美丽苏州》(Beau?tiful Soo)是我找到的最早的一本专门讲苏州的书,是个在中国住了几十年的传教士写的。我很喜欢这本书。我的书也起名字叫《美丽苏州》(‘Beauti?ful Su’),只把苏的拼写方法换成现在的写法,算是向那本1911年出版的书致敬。”



经过六年的精心准备,史蒂芬埋首写作近两年,终于于2014年完成了这本著作。经过一个多月的奔波联络,一家专门出版中国相关书籍的美国出版社“中国图书”(China Books)向他伸出了橄榄枝。在出版社的帮助下,史蒂芬又进一步在原稿的基础上进行了修改,经历了10稿修订之后,《美丽苏州:中国苏州的社会史和文化史》于2015年在美国出版发售,2016年其Kindle版在美国亚马逊上推出。

第2个回答  2013-05-03
The Humble Administrator's Garden (or Zhuozheng Yuan) is one of four great Chinese gardens. At 51,950 m�0�5 it is the largest garden in Suzhou and generally considered the finest garden in southern China. In 1997, Zhuozheng Yuan, along with other classical gardens of Suzhou was proclaimed a UNESCO World Heritage Site.

The garden's site was a scholar garden during the Tang Dynasty, and later a monastery garden for the Dahong Temple during the Yuan Dynasty. In 1513, during the Ming Dynasty reign of Emperor Zhengde, an administrator named Wang Xianchen appropriated the temple and converted it into a private villa with gardens, which were constructed by digging lakes and piling the resultant earth into artificial islands. The garden was designed in collaboration with the renowned Ming artist Wen Zhengming, and was as large as today's garden, with numerous trees and pavilions. The Wang family sold the garden several years later, and it has changed hands many times since.

The garden was split up in the later Ming dynasty, and it remained neglected until the Qing Dynasty reigns of Emperors Shunzhi and Kangxi, when the garden was extensively rebuilt with major modifications to its earlier plan. During Emperor Qianlong's reign the gardens were again divided into the Shu Yuan (Book of Study Garden) and the Fu Yuan (Restored Garden).

Today's garden is only very loosely related to its earliest version, but closely resembles its late Qing appearance, with numerous pavilions and bridges set among a maze of connected pools and islands. It consists of three major parts set about a large lake: the central part (Zhuozheng Yuan), the eastern part (once called Guitianyuanju, Dwelling Upon Return to the Countryside), and a western part (the Supplementary Garden). The house lies in the south of the garden.本回答被网友采纳