
2010--2012年 校勤工助学部 干事

2008--2010 年校编辑部 文字及板块编辑

2009年12月 慈善总会义务工作者分会 义工●早起清扫校园以及教室杂物,锻炼了吃苦耐劳的精神。

2010--2012: Served as an secretary/assistant in the Work-study Department of the University
Assisting the Director in organizing the appraisal and selection of poor students eligible for grant-in-aids, and in sorting out the data for grant-in-aids and list of students for appraisal, in which I improved my ability in sorting out data and further familiarized myself with office software as Word, Excel etc.
Assisting theinstructor/supervisor in dispensing thegrant-in-aids, which cultivated my prudence and carefulness in work.
Taking part in backstage work for two sessions of work-study evening parties and won both the outstanding organization awards of the university, which enhanced my ability in organization and team work and communication.
2008--2010: Served as text and block editor in the editorial department of the University
Sorting out students’ submissions, selecting and reviewing excellent articles which correspond to the topic of the publication, which enhanced my ability in wording and literary appreciation.
Taking part in compilation and text layout of the university magazine and newspaper, which strengthened my literary aptitude and ability in writing and compiling.
Assisting the Director in organizing essay soliciting activities, which improved my organization and coordination ability.
December 2009: Served as a volunteer in the volunteers branch of the CharityFederation
Cleaning the campus and classroom debris early in the morning, which tempered my hard-working spirit.
第1个回答  2013-05-01
2010--2012年 校勤工助学部 干事

2008--2010 年校编辑部 文字及板块编辑

2009年12月 慈善总会义务工作者分会 义工●早起清扫校园以及教室杂物,锻炼了吃苦耐劳的精神。2010--2012年 校勤工助学部 干事

2008--2010 年校编辑部 文字及板块编辑

2009年12月 慈善总会义务工作者分会 义工●早起清扫校园以及教室杂物,锻炼了吃苦耐劳的精神。
2010--2012schoolwork-studydepartment director
●assist theministers of the organizationof poor studentseligible for selection,andgrantsdata arrangement andlist,have a certainability to organize,tobe familiar with Word,Excel office software.
●helpguidegrants,trainingthecareful workattitude.
●workbehind the sceneswerein the two session ofthe work-studyparty,won theschool outstandingorganization award,exercise organizationability and the team cooperationability ofcommunication.
2008--2010schooltexteditorandeditorial department
●finishingstudent submissions,screeningexcellentthe publicationtopicto be audited,exercisearrangement of wordsand appreciation ability.
● participate inthe schoolmagazine andnewspaper is writtenandtext layout,has a certainliteraryheritage andwriting,arranging ability.
●help ministerorganizationessay activities,improve theorganization andcoordination ability.
2009DecembercharityVolunteerClubvolunteers●morningcleaning the campusandclassroomdebris,tempered hard-workingspirit.