
假设下面是你的英国网友sandra一日三餐的食物但,请你根据食物但上的信息,在英语课前的演讲上向大家介绍她的饮食情况。breakfast:two eggs ,milk lunch : rice , vegetables, chicken ,an apple ,a banana dinner:carrots , tomatoes , salad dessert:strawberries , ice cream


Hello everyone, i would like to talk about my friend Sandra's daily diets in England. Firstly, she usually has two eggs and a cup of milk for her breakfast. Secondly, for her lunch, she has a bowl of rice with vegetables and chicken. Also she has fruits after her meals such as, an apple and a banana. Lastly, she has carrots, tomatoes and salad for her dinner. Moreover, she has desserts such as, strawberries and ice cream. All the foods above are her meals for one day.
第1个回答  2012-12-02
Now, I would like to tell you somethings about my friend sandra and her British family's daily life. what kinds of foods do they take in a day usually? In the morning, the breskfast including two eggs, one cup of milk. at lunch time, she could choose to eat some vegetables, some chicken and rice. of course, she maybe eat an apple or a banana. at diner time, one meal maybe including carrots, tomatoes, salad dessert, and after dinner ,she maybe eat some strawberries or ice cream.