

1. be good to/for/at…
2. add up, add up to, add…to…, add to区别
3. not…until…和until的区别
4. get/have sth done
5. calm (...) down
6. have got to = have to
7. be concerned about
8. walk the dog
9. 状语从句的省略
10. cheat in the exam
11. should have done;
shouldn’t have done
12. else用法
13. laugh at
14. go through, get through区别
15. World WarⅡ= the Second World War
16. hide away; hiding place
17. 强调句型
18. can, be able to区别
19. be crazy about
20. do with和deal with用法区别
21. there was a time when…
22. since用法
23. stay awake
24. on purpose
25. in order to do sth
26. have/take a good look at
27. by oneself = alone, lonely区别
28. too much/many, much too
29. dare用法
30. sth happen to sb;
sb happen to do sth
31. at dusk
32. go downstairs/outdoors
33. entire, whole, all区别
34. It/This is/was the first time that从句(完成时)
the first time ≠ for the first time
35. a/one year and a half = one and a half years
36. face to face
37. nature用法
38. hang用法
39. It’s no pleasure doing sth
40. keep a diary
41. no longer/more, not…any longer/more
42. What do you think of/about…?
How do you like/find…?
How do you feel about…?
43. share sth with sb
44. take (no) notice of = ignore
45. close to; close和closely区别
46. one after another =one by one
47. however用法
48. find it difficult to do sth
49. settle down
50. suffer/recover from
51. go on用法
52. each other = one another
53. instead, instead of
54. be/get tired of
55. pack (sth) up
56. with so many clothes on
57 have trouble/difficulty with sth
have difficulty/trouble (in) doing sth
58. at the moment = at present
59. get along/on (well/badly) with
60. be/fall in love (with…)
61. agree/disagree短语
62. (not) exactly
63. No way.
64. That’s all right. All right.
That’s right. = You’re right.
65. communicate with sb
66. try to do sth, try doing sth
67. make friends with sb
68. do/does/did强调谓语
69. be grateful to sb for (doing) sth
70. advice/advise用法
71. join, join in, take part in区别
72. show/take/have interest in
= be interested in



第1个回答  2012-12-10




第2个回答  2012-12-10



