
五、 项目申请单位资质
(一) 项目申请单位应具有完善的研究、开发和设计条件,较强的创新能力和较高的研发投入;
(二) 拥有技术水平高、精通英语、国际合作经验丰富的专业带头人;
(三) 科研事业单位应在能源领域具有突出的专业优势,同时在国际合作中具备一定的经验和良好的纪录。
(四) 企业单位具有较强的技术开发、资金筹措、项目实施能力,以及较好的资信等级,资产负债率在合理范围内,项目已基本具备实施条件,项目所需配套资金已落实;
(五) 企业单位应具有较强的市场和创新意识,有较强的经济技术实力、较好的经济效益和优良的市场竞争业绩,在能源行业具有显著的规模和竞争优势。

(一) 项目申请单位应具有完善的研究、开发和设计条件,较强的创新能力和较高的研发投入;

( a ) units for the project should have the research, development and design, R & D and strong innovation ability and high input;

(二) 拥有技术水平高、精通英语、国际合作经验丰富的专业带头人;

( two ) has a high level of technology, proficient in English, international cooperation of experienced professional leader;

(三) 科研事业单位应在能源领域具有突出的专业优势,同时在国际合作中具备一定的经验和良好的纪录。

( three ) scientific research institutions should have the outstanding advantage in the field of energy, also have certain experience and a good record in international cooperation.

(四) 企业单位具有较强的技术开发、资金筹措、项目实施能力,以及较好的资信等级,资产负债率在合理范围内,项目已基本具备实施条件,项目所需配套资金已落实;

( four ) enterprises with technology development, fund raising, strong project implementation capacity, and good credit rating, the rate of assets and liabilities within a reasonable scope, the project has basically have the conditions, required for the project funds have been implemented;

(五) 企业单位应具有较强的市场和创新意识,有较强的经济技术实力、较好的经济效益和优良的市场竞争业绩,在能源行业具有显著的规模和竞争优势。

( five ) business unit should have a strong market and innovation consciousness, have good economic benefit and good market performance, strong economic and technical strength, has significant scale and competitive advantage in the energy industry.
第1个回答  2013-07-05
Five, and project applications units qualification (a) project applications units should has perfect of research, and development and design conditions, strong of innovation capacity and high of research inputs; (ii) has technology high, and master English, and international cooperation experience rich of professional leader; (three) research institution should in energy area has highlight of professional advantage, while in international cooperation in the with must of experience and good of records. (Four) enterprises has strong of technology development, and funds financing, and project implementation capacity, and better of funding letter grade, assets liabilities rate in reasonable range within, project has basic with implementation conditions, project by needed supporting funds has implementation; (five) enterprises should has strong of market and innovation consciousness, has strong of economic technology strength, and better of economic benefits and excellent of market competition performance, in energy industry has significantly of scale and competition advantage.