

加油:Come on 友谊第一,比赛第二:Competition Second to Friendship
发展体育运动,增强人民体质 :Promote physical culture and build up the people's health
锻炼身体,保卫祖国 :Build up a good physique to defend the country
打出水平,打出风格:Up to one's best level in skill and style of play
胜不骄,败不馁 :Do not become cocky/be dizzy with success, nor downcast over/discouraged by defeat.

Individual Sports 体育项目

skipping rope 跳绳
running 跑步
dash 短跑
long-distance race 长跑
middle-distance race 中长跑
hurdle race 跨栏
long jump 跳远
high jump 跳高
table tennis 乒乓球
badminton 羽毛球
tennis 网球
football/soccer 足球
basketball 篮球
hop, step and jump; triple jump 三级跳远
javelin throw 标枪
shot put 铅球
discus throw 铁饼
relay race 接力赛
roller-skating 轮滑


track and field; athletics 田径运动
field events 田赛
track events 竞赛
preliminary contest预赛
draw lots 抽签
semi-finals 半决赛
finals 决赛
champion 冠军
running-up; second; silver medalist 亚军
third; bronze medalist 第三名
record 纪录
record holder 纪录创造者
track 跑道
ring 圈
ground, field 场地
team, side 队

in good form 竞技状态好
to lose one's usual form 失常
to outscore 比分领先
lag behind 落后

spectator 观众
cheering-section 啦啦队
cheer-leader 啦啦队队长
第1个回答  2013-07-07
校运会比赛项目Pku events