我的笔记本电脑是thinkpad sl410K 突然进不了系统。装原来好使的xp系统盘也装不上去。ghost原来的镜像也不好使。出现下面蓝屏及其的提示信息: A problem has been detected and windows has been shut down to prevent damage to your computer. If this is the first time you have seen this stop error screen , restart your computer . If this screen appears again ,follow this steps: Check for viruses on your computer .Remove any newly installed hard drives or hard drive controllers. Check your hard drive to make sure it is properly configured and terminated . Runs CHKDSK /F check for hard drive corruption ,and then . Technical information: *** STOP:0X0000007B(0XF78D2524,0XC0000034,0X00000000,0X00000000) 我上电脑市场买了好几个版本的XP系统盘。都不好使,还是出现上面的信息。去了一次公司 ,看他们用Windows PE。重装了系统。装上了。好使,回家自己从新格式化,也用PE装 ,又不好使了。还是上面的错误信息。 反复用了很多方法,都不好使。以前没出现过这样的问题。最近总是用LINUX光盘启动进入LINUX ,有时候死机了,非正常启动了几回。就导致这样的问题发生了。 求明白人帮忙解决下,不胜感激。想知道是硬件问题,还是软件问题。实在不行,周一就去联想售后修去了