

1. People often prioritize wealth over health.
2. There was a story that claimed money was everything, but it was rejected by many readers who believed in the reality of life.
3. Nowadays, young girls marry older men for their money, assuming that wealth can provide everything.
4. However, the truth is that money cannot buy health or healthy relationships.
5. Many wealthy individuals resort to drugs to maintain youthful appearances and energy, but I believe true youth comes from a healthy lifestyle.
6. It is surprising that people struggle to choose between wealth and health.
7. If people live longer and work harder, they can become richer.
8. A healthy body allows one to accomplish much more than wealth alone.
9. Therefore, I am compelled to wake up every day and make the right choices towards a healthy life!
10. Health is a crucial aspect of our daily lives that we should not take for granted.