


1943: Winkie – first pigeon to be awarded the medal; flew 120 miles from a crashed bomber to deliver an SOS. In all 32 pigeons were awarded the medal in World War II.

1943: Ruhr Express – a messenger pigeon

1944: Commando – a messenger pigeon

1944: Paddy – messenger pigeon that made the fastest recorded crossing of the English Channel, delivering messages from Normandy for D-Day, travelling 230 miles in 4 hours 5 minutes.

1944: William of Orange – a messenger pigeon used in the Battle of Arnhem in September 1944 saving 2000 soldiers

1945: Rex – A rescue dog was officially recorded to have saved 65 people in London's flying bomb blitz.

1945: Rip - A rescue dog credited with saving over 100 victims of the Blitz from the air-raid ruins of London in 1940 and 1941. [3]

1946: G.I. Joe – a messenger pigeon and the only American bird or animal to be awarded the medal in WW II. The US Air Force was to bomb the city of Calvi Risorta in Italy at 11 am on October 18, 1943, however, British troops captured the city at 10 am and attempts to cancel the raid by radio failed. G.I. Joe had been borrowed from the American airfield earlier and, released with a message to stop the raid, arrived as the bombers were about to take off. An estimated 1,000 British troops could have died if the bombing had gone ahead.
第1个回答  2013-07-02
二战期间,“玛丽”多次飞往于法国与英国之间,为盟军传递绝密情报。1942年,有一次敌军轰炸,“玛丽”受伤,但她带伤飞行,完成了任务。战后,“玛丽”因其英勇无畏而被授予动物界最高荣誉——迪肯勋章(Dicken Medal), 其地位相当于英国军队中的最高荣誉——维多利亚十字勋章(Victoria Cross)。