

Dear teachers, friends,
Good day to all of you! I am Wang ShiYu from ChenNan Primary school and I am 11 years old this year. I have a pair of big eyes and black luxuriant hair, and I am a likeable girl. I am very bubbly and I am the class chairperson and a prefect.(外国没有中队长,只有学生会会员,也是管人的,将就吧) My favourite season is Spring, because that beautiful season symbolizes warmth and wellbeing. I also love reading, and I could not agree more with the famous saying "Reading is to the mind what food is to the body". There was a time I bought a good book and I read it continuously for five consequent hours. I even skipped dinner but felt no hunger at all. However, please refrain from thinking of me as a bookworm who is not physically active at all. I also love sports! Badminton,Ping Pong, etc. everything is my favorite! I also have many other talents like playing the piano, singing, and drawing..etc.
This is me, an ordinary but adorable girl. Have you remembered me?
第1个回答  2013-06-24
Dear Teachers and Classmates,
Hello everyone! My name is Wang Shi Yu, and I am from Chengnan elementry school. I am 11 years old. I am a likable girl with big eyes, black hair. I have a very lively personality. I am a class president and a squad leader. My favorite season is spring, because spring symbolizes the warmth and beauty. I love to read, and I completely agree that "Reading is to the mind what food is to the body". Once I bought a very good book, I was reading it continuously for five hours, even forgot to eat dinner! But please don't think that I'm a nerd who just love to read, I also like sports! Badminton, table tennis are my favorites. I also have other talents like playing piano, singing, painting · · · · ·

This is me, an ordinary but adorable little girl. Have you remembered me?本回答被提问者和网友采纳
第2个回答  2013-06-23
Hi guys, Hi instructors,

Gosh, can't believe you kept me waiting for so long to introduce myself. I'm Wang Jiayu, such a beautiful name, isn't it? I'm from Chengnan Primary School, one of the top-notch schools in town and many teens ever dreamed of going to. I'm 11 years of age. As you may see at first blush, I am an adorable girl with a beautiful pair of innocent eyes and a long cascade of dark silky hair. Tell you what, my hair and eyes often make me the envy of many other teenage girls around me. And yes, I am a total narcissist.

I'm full of life and myself. Not surprisingly, I was elected in common consent as the monitor of my class, doubling as the group leader. I was real happy for my classmates then, for they just made the rightest choice in their lives. My favorite season is spring, cuz' it symbolizes warmth and beauty, just like me. I love reading books, they say books are food for thoughts, I think this is as right as in my beauty is the feast for the eye. One time, I bought myself a book and hit it for five hours on ends, I even skipped my dinner without feeling hungry at all. Now you see how much I love reading, please do me a favor and don't make me a paragon of virtue for diligence, cuz' that'll hurt your stomach. And also, don't think of me as a bookwarm who only makes books her friends, I also love sports, among my favorite sports are badminton, pingpang, you name it. I also have many special skills, like playing piano, singing, drawing, and many other stuff I don't feel like bragging about. Alright, that's abot it, that's about me, an average but lovely little girl. Don't you forget how good I am!!!