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The butterfly is an interesting “insect”. Do you know how it grows?
This “is” an egg. It’s small and “white”. It “was” a white egg. Now it is a green “caterpillar”. It has many “legs”. It likes eating green leaves. It was a green “caterpillar”. Now is a brown “cocoon”. It was a brown “cocoon”. Now it is a “beautiful” butterfly.
1 It “was” a green caterpillar. Now it “is” a brown cocoon.
2 Where “is” their English teacher? She “isn’t” here just now. She “is” in the office.
3 There “was” a butterfly, now there “are” 3 butterflies.
4 The caterpillar “had” many legs. But now it “has” six legs. It “could” crawl. Now it can fly.
1 The cocoon is brown. (用black 改为选择疑问) Is the cocoon “brown or black”?
2 It was a duckling. (改为问句) “Was it” a duckling?
3 These silkworms were small.(改为单数)
“This” silkworm “was” small.
4 The cocoon opens. (改为否定句)
The cocoon “isn’t open”.
1 “People and insect” are animals.
2 Insects “don’t have” bones in their bodies.
3 Insects have “6 legs”.
4 “Some” insects live big groups.