关于while 的用法

she tried to go on,hour after hour, while millions watched her on national television.

while后为什么用的是watched,而不是were watching.??




Although(Though)everyone played well, we lost the game. 尽管每个人都打得不错,我们却输了比赛。

He said they were married, although I'm sure they aren't. 他说他们结婚了,不过我肯定他们没有。

I didn't know that then, although I learned it later. 那时我并不知道这事,尽管后来我知道了。

He's very lovable although not at all tidy. 他很可爱,虽说一点都不整洁。


Though times were changed, Bossily was still Bossily. 尽管时代变了,柏斯莱还是柏斯莱。

Though he was going to Edinburgh. he was in no hurry. 虽说就要去爱丁堡,他却并不慌忙。

It is right for us to go, though I left all for Gerry to decide.我们去是对的,不过我还是让格里来决定一切。

Though not large, the room was light and airy. 房间虽然不大,采光和通风却很好。

The girl, though plain, had a kind face. 这姑娘虽然相貌平庸,却有一张善良的脸。

even though:

He's an honest man even though I have opposed him. 尽管我曾反对过他,他还是一个诚实的人。

She still loved him even though he had treated her so badly. 她仍然爱他,尽管他待他那么不好。

even if:

I wouldn't do it, even if you paid me a thousand pounds. 即使你付我一千英镑,我也不干。

I'm going to expose him even if he's brother of mine. 尽管他是我的兄弟,我也要揭露他。


While they are my neighbors, I don't know them well. 虽然他们是我的邻居,我对他们却不太了解。

While I understand what you say, I can't agree with you. 尽管我理解你的话,却不能同意你的意见。


Clever though she was, she couldn't conceal her eagerness for praise. 她虽然聪明,却无法掩饰她亟想获得赞扬。

Intelligent as she was, she had not much in sight. 她虽然聪明,却没有多少洞察力。

Try as he would, he could not get her out of his mind. 尽管他努力这样做,却不能把她忘怀。

She was unable to make much progress, hard as she tried. 不管她多努力都不能取得多大进步。

However long you argue you will never convince her. 不管争辩多久你都不能说服她。

However cold it is, he always goes swimming. 不管天多冷他都去游泳。

He swore that, come what may, he would never let her know what he was doing for her sake. 他发誓,不管发生什么情况,他绝不让她知道他在为她做的事。

Marija made up her mind, come what might, she would stay there. 玛丽亚下定决心,不管发生什么情况她都要留在那里。

The moon is a moon still, whether it shines or not. 不管亮不亮,月亮终究是月亮。

Whether we go or whether we stay, the result is the same. 不管我们是去还是留,结果都一样。

Granted that he has enough money to buy the house, it doesn't mean he's going to do so. 即使他有足够的钱买这栋房子,这也不意味着他就要去买。
第1个回答  2020-01-18
第2个回答  2012-07-17