

1) Thear that English teachers are always in demand. If this is true, I could(enroll)in classes online and get a degree in English.
- 该句的主题是对英语教师需求的理解以及这个理解如何影响了个人的决定。如果该理解是真实的,那么我可以在网上参加课程并获得英语学位。

2) Sometimes you'll need to(re-evaluate)your goal; for example, you may change your goal if you decide not to go to college but attend a training program instead.
- 这个句子讲述了有时你需要重新评估你的目标,例如,如果你决定不去大学而是参加一个培训项目,你可能会改变你的目标。

3) I don't want to be confined by school while trying to get a four-year degree. I believe I can(accumulate)enough wealth over the next 20 years to retire early.
- 这个句子讲述了我不想在努力获得四年制学位的同时被学校限制。我相信我可以在接下来的20年内积累足够的财富提前退休。

4) The colleges have supplied several computer labs on campus so that all the students are(given)easy and free access to the Internet.
- 这个句子描述了学院在校园内提供了几个电脑实验室,以便所有学生都能方便免费地使用互联网。

5) The university is conducting a survey to invite both professors and students to(evaluate)the instructional materials and identify needs for the technical support.
- 这个句子讲述了大学正在进行一项调查,邀请教授和学生评估教学材料并确定技术支持的需求。

6) Parents in their(prime)working years face growing burdens caring for children and for their own parents, who are enjoying a longer lifespan nowadays.
- 这个句子描述了处于工作黄金时期的父母面临着越来越重的照顾孩子和自己父母的压力,现在这些父母正享受着更长的寿命。

7) Now you've got an interview! Be sure to call the day before to(confirm)it. Meanwhile, prepare yourself and get ready for it.
- 这个句子告诉你现在你有了一个面试!一定要在前一天打电话确认一下。同时,准备好自己,为它做好准备。

8) The number of adult smokers may be(declining), but smokers between the ages of 13 and 23 have actually increased by 10 percent over the last 10 years.
- 这个句子描述了成年烟民的数量可能正在下降,但在过去的10年里,13岁至23岁的烟民实际上增加了10%。

9) Judy's father was the manager of a store in a large supermarket chain, so he could receive a modest but(steady)pension from the company when he retired.
- 这个句子讲述了朱迪的父亲是一家大型超市连锁店的店长,所以当他退休时,他可以从公司那里得到一份适中但稳定的退休金。

10) When they(seek)volunteers to help with their work, they pay particular attention to the volunteers' ability to solve problems.
- 这个句子讲述了当他们寻找志愿者帮助他们的工作时,他们特别关注志愿者解决问题的能力。