以A bad day为题写一篇80词左右的英语作文,急!!!

提示词 go wrong,go off,rain,umbrella,rice,sour,What bad luck!就这些。没剩多少分了,求高手帮忙!

第1个回答  2012-02-05
I had a bad day! I got up late ,so I did'nt eat my breakfast.Then I went to school.It was raining,and I forgot taking my umbrella,it's too terrible!At twelve o'clock,I ate lunch,I just had some rice and it's sour .What a bad day!追问

高手,我数来数去咋就没80词啊- -


I had a bad day! I got up late ,so I did not eat my breakfast.Then I went to school.It was raining,and I forgot taking my umbrella,it was too terrible! I had six classes to listen .My first class is math,it was too boring and difficult for me .Then I had a science test.I think I failed it.I could ahswer fifteen of the questions.They were easy enough for me.But I could not answer the rest .They are too difficult!At twelve o'clock,I ate my lunch,I just had some rice and some vegetables. The rice was very sour and I did not like eating vegetables.What a bad day!
