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七条里也就一条能要:"♀喵几♀ - 见习魔法师 二级"的

但也有错:"I'll do whatever you want to"
should b:"I'll do whatever you want me to"

But I got a better one:
Please,don't you leave me my dear! I'll do whatever you asked me to, but just don't go away! You know you're the mainstay of my soul.I can't live without you! Oh don't leave me.

参考资料:my own brain

第1个回答  2007-11-17
Asks you, dear can leave me, how you wants I to depend on you, you are my soul prop, your I could not have lived, please do not leave me.
第2个回答  2007-11-17
Asking you, dear one don't leave me, you think how I depend on you, you are my soul pillar, you and I can not live on, please don't leave me.
第3个回答  2007-11-17
Demand for you, dear not to leave me, if you wantI have on you, you are my soul pillar, I will live without you, please do not leave me.
第4个回答  2007-11-17
Please,don't leave me,honey.I'll do whatever you want to.you're the mainstay of my soul.I can't live without you, please don't leave me.
第5个回答  2007-11-17