
这是一则四则漫画。 1、一个小男孩吃完香蕉随手就把皮扔了,而在他的不远处就有一个垃圾桶。 2、这个小男孩往前走时,看到一个清洁工在马路上很用心的扫着地。小男孩脸红了。 3和4、小男孩回去把香蕉皮扔到了垃圾桶里。 要求:1、请用英语 2、请注意这是一篇初三英语作文。 3、字数请限制在50―80之间。 谢谢合作
2012、3、21日 就今晚若过了期就不要回了,因为这是作业。:(

A little boy finished eating bananas with the skin is away, and in his not far from the have a trash can. The little boy walking forward, see a cleaner on the road is very attentively and landing. The little boy blushed. The little boy threw the banana peel back the trash can.
第1个回答  2012-03-21
a little boy threw the banana skin after he finished eating it,although there was a trash can near by. while the boy was walking forward ,he saw a cleaner was sweeping the street carefully.he felt ashamed,so he went back and picked the banana skin to the trash can.
第2个回答  2012-03-25
A little boy finished eating bananas with the skin is away, and in his not far from the have a trash can. The little boy walking forward, see a cleaner on the road is very attentively and landing. The little boy blushed. The little boy threw the banana peel back the trash can.
第3个回答  2012-03-21
A little boy eating bananas you hide away, and in his : there is a trash can.The little boy walked along, see a cleaner in the street carefully swept the ground. The little boy blushed.The little boy back to the banana peel thrown into the trash can.
第4个回答  2012-03-21