

疯人院=na.madhouse; As we marched past the madhouse, two or three elderly inmates gibbered and mouthed politely behind the railings.下载MP3
bedlam; What kind of a pandemonium that vessel was, I cannot describe, but she was commanded a lunatic, and might be called a floating Bedlam.下载MP3
bughouse; Robert was sent to the Bughouse by his son.下载MP3
loony bin; Come on. I bust you out of the loony bin.下载MP3
lunatic asylum;
1。His second wife died in a lunatic asylum. It was in the blood.他的第二个太太是在疯人院里死去的。那是遗传病。With time, people referred to the insane asylum less as St. Mary of Bethlehem and more as a contraction Bethlehem.下载MP3

第1个回答  2014-01-09
有几种说法,如 Mad house, Lunatic Asylum, Bedlam 等
第2个回答  2014-01-09
>> Chinese Version
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第3个回答  2014-01-09
the mental institution