

We should help those who are strangers?I hear,Some people answer me,Should help,But some people say they should not help,That should help people reason is:be generous in giving help,No matter what people,Should help。This is a find in helping others。But that should not help people reason is:If he is a bad person how to do?We will not be cheated?These people are for the heavy people captive,We are not wrong。But find in helping others is the Chinese virtue,soI hope everyone can help。好了,怎么样?
第1个回答  2014-01-17
Helpfulness are the virtues of the Chinese nation for thousands of years since we are descendants of China and why to break this a thousand virtues of keeping it ? For others to think about helping others if they ever not a happy thing we just go on the basis of their own interests to consider the interests of others then this is not the double benefit 。
第2个回答  2014-01-17