英文辩论赛 equality of men and women.我是反方


Men have always been considered stronger then female, since the beginning of time, women have always been suppressed and have been considered to be the weaker and sublime sex as compared to men. T
Women cannot be equal to men. Likewise, a man could never hope of being equal to a woman. It’s like comparing Apples to Bananas – it makes no sense. The sexes should be equal in the eyes of the law (murder is murder, despite the gender of the person committing the act), but beyond that, men and women just aren’t equal. It doesn't mean if men and women are not equal, it means one gender must be better than the other! We cannot ignore the fact that men are physically stronger than women. Likewise, men receive higher wages than women. Women bear children while men don't.
第1个回答  2012-03-20