

Unit 5 Translation
1. A growing number of governments are expected to implement the programs creatively.
2. In the rural areas, some people (who are) infected with the virus think that there is no point( in) combating the disease.
3. Some organizations often emerge in the communities, passing out literature to illustrate the way we protect valuable resources.
4. He emphasized that the reason why he worked inefficiently was that the doctor’s diagnosis distracted him.
5. The college graduates accounted for 90% of those who signed up for the activity,constituting a threat to them.
6. It is high time we educated teenagers’ ability to cope with pressure and crisis.
Unit 9 Translation
1. No matter how difficult it is to investigate the mysterious causes, they are confident that they will get the mission out of the way.
2. Whatever the performance, he believes that it is his responsibility to entertain the audience.
3. Following my tips, she adapted herself to an alternative method that profited her with ease.
4. The outstanding devil aroused in me what seemed weird to me.
5. Should you not be given full credit, you’ll have to alter your own studying.
6. His remarkable change is that he is able to employ new methods without cease.
7. Instead of sitting back, we kept our concentration on the analysis of the factors leading to our failure.
8. With the help of students grants, he plowed through his studies and was granted Master’s Degree.
Unit 10 Translation
1. The newly appointed manager was given credit for not yielding to external pressure.
2. In a society where honesty/integrity is in short supply, those who have no genuine knowledge and skills do what they can to rely on fake diplomas.
3. He assured us that he would account for why he had not engaged in the operation
4. Experts are assured that to ensure success in preserving the intellectual property involves transforming some notions.
5. The wish of a number of establishments is to survive tough times without having to seek assistance.
6. When confronted with tempting attractions on a daily basis, tough people do not concede, but demonstrate their principles.
7. If teachers are absent, mature students can instinctively observe disciplines, while excessively intelligent ones are inclined to make the most of the chance.
8. I am more than delighted that the committee consisting of nine members firmly stands for clarifying the policy relative to the price.